75. The Eyes That Dream

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AN: Friendly reminder that this is not entirely beta-read so please tell me if there are mistakes so I can fix it!

"Are you absolutely sure you're ok doing this?"

They'd made a plan, made preparations in case anything and everything went wrong. They were ready. Still, being used as bait like this was dangerous. So they checked in with her, hundreds of times, they checked in with her constantly. It got on her nerves real fast. The last time they asked was right before the first day in action.

"I've done this kind of thing before guys, it's ok," she'd replied dismissively, though of course that response was enough to draw attention.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Chaya had been the one to ask. Aizawa and Shinsou had both thought it, but after the time they'd known Silver they were fairly certain it wasn't something they wanted an answer to. Still, curiosity was not an easy beast to beat back.

"Do you hold plausible deniability close to your heart?"

Way back when, in the days when Chaya didn't really settle down in any particular town or city for her work and she'd found herself accidentally following Silver 'the info broker's' path a while, she'd found the girl both amusing and intriguing. Finding out she was a trainee hero had been a bit of a curveball she had to admit, but despite all of that, the girl hadn't changed much. The woman sighed heavily, disappointed. "I guess a girl's gotta have some secrets."

The conspiratorial smile the two females shared had the other two very afraid.

But then Silver was off, the female uniform of a nearby school on and a light backpack with a few of her real, near-empty school books over her shoulders. She'd left UA early this afternoon (Nezu had given full permission for this to go ahead as part of Silver's internship so long as she caught up with anything missed) just like the last three afternoons, and Chaya had used her shadows to bring her into the school whose uniform Silver was wearing. Then Chaya had taken the girl she was posing as home through those same shadows.

The shadows were an interesting way to travel, dark and warm in a way that would have been soothing if it weren't for the feeling of a few hundred hands latching onto her skin and then slipping off only to be replaced by the next hundred. And, naturally, it was enough to set Silver's claustrophobia off but she was managing to fight through it. Put simply, Silver was looking forward to not having to travel like that ever again.

Back to the point, thanks to Silver's friend, Sin (one of her dancer friends from the club who had a quirk that could manipulate hair anyway she liked), she was now sporting dark brown hair which she had twisted into a plait long enough to reach her knees and a pair of contacts made her eyes a similar brown colour while irritating her eyes to all hell.

The same as every other night, she took the path Jessica (the little American-born, quirkless girl she was pretending to be) and made it all the way back to Jess' house safe and sound. They weren't really sure how long they were expecting this to take, the killer's pattern made it pretty clear Jess' school was his next stop and there were no missing persons as of yet— plus they'd warned the few other quirkless children at the school to make sure they didn't go anywhere without a quirked friend, there hadn't been many kids to tell though, the government may still have said the number of quirkless people was at twenty percent, but in reality, everyone knew that number was much lower, especially in the younger generations. He usually only left two weeks between taking a new victim, but two weeks was two nights ago and he hadn't made an appearance yet.

Following her route from above, Aizawa watched every single person who passed Silver by. They didn't know for sure what their villain's quirk was so he refused to be caught off guard by the granny who'd been following the same path as Silver for the last few turns (the elderly woman soon stopped at a bus stop so crisis averted).

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