85. Fear

37 4 11

I very nearly forgot it was Friday. But I did not, so here's your update!

Reminder that this is not beta read so please tell me any corrections/sentences that make no sense!

Silver hadn't been with them last night, she'd been working, as she did sometimes, and that was fine, they were used to that, she'd warned them she wouldn't be around. She'd also said she wouldn't be around tonight for the same reasons, only she was waiting in the infirmary at the end of the school day for Hizashi to pick up his husband.

"I mixed up my shift dates," she explained to the blonde with an easy shrug, dismissing his question before he could even ask it. "Is it alright if I stay with-"

"Do you really need to ask that to know the answer?"

She shifted on her feet, eyes flickering to the wall. "I-" And then back to him. "So how was school today for you?"

"Pretty good before I had a heart attack because somebody got injured." He turned a scathing gaze on his husband that was not in any way mitigated by his sunglasses. Silver was glad not to be on the receiving end of that. "I knew he was doing a stealth exercise which meant he'd spend the entire lesson on top of buildings, so when I was told he got hurt, I figured..."

"He'd fallen off," Silver finished. "Has he done that before?"

"Oh, all the time, you have no idea."

"Zash, I have't fallen in ten years."

"Nine," the blonde corrected without a moment's thought, reaching out to the wooden bedside table and tapping it for luck.

"I'm fine."

"Correction," Silver interjected, her arms crossed over her chest, "you will be fine, when your concussion isn't one of the worst Chiyo's seen in all her twenty-one years."

"You can see why I like her," Chiyo spoke up, clearing away the last remnants of handling a third year who managed to shatter his shin bone almost as badly as Midoriya had destroyed his hand at the sports festival in his first year. "As I told Aizawa," the old woman began, directing it to Hizashi since Silver would be well aware of what to be looking out for, "he should be fine. He might get headaches or dizzy spells, possible short-term memory difficulties but nothing like Silver's recent go with amnesia so please don't panic. If it gets bad, don't hesitate to come back here." That last bit was directed straight at Aizawa who would no doubt stay away even if he had the kind of headache that should leave a person curled up in the foetal position covered in snot and tears. "Also, stay away from tall buildings, I've had enough broken bones today."

"Thank you, Chiyo."

"You're welcome, dearie. Now shoo, it's home time."

The group collected Eri from Nezu a few minutes later, Hizashi refusing to release his husband's arm for a second— which was met with remarkably little resistance— in case he fell. Not for the first time, Silver questioned how Nezu managed to teach Eri and get all his principal work done at the same time.

It was a comfortable feeling that filled the apartment that evening. Aizawa was on the sofa with strict orders of rest and relaxation because, while his nose was fully healed aside from a faint bruise, his head was not. Chiyo had healed what she could today, but until Aizawa got some of his energy back (so tomorrow, provided the man sleep) she couldn't do anything more for his head.

Hizashi was cooking up a storm in the kitchen, the smells already sweeping through the air enough for Eri's stomach to be rumbling at the dining table where she and Silver were playing card games.

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