65. Evasion Protocols

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AN: SO SORRY GUYS, I have no words. I've been so excited to publish this all week and then the day I'm meant to publish I forget. *facepalms* My bad.
But here it is, and it's a long one too with some funny bits in it!

WARNINGS: references to domestic abuse, very vaguely implied transphobia (it might not even be implied, it might just be something that plays a part here in my head), panic attack loosely described from an outsider's point of view.

There are no in-text warnings this time because I just didn't know where to put them. But if anyone reads it and thinks I should put an in-text warning around a part, please tell me! I want all you guys to read happily and safely. Take care of yourselves!

Aizawa learns from Tsukauchi that Silent, Silver, and Deadly only ever killed abusers.
The school is visited by a guest speaker, the one who happens to be from Silver's past. Unsure of what will happen should they meet, Silver spends the day avoiding the speaker. Unfortunately, Nezu is intent on wreaking havoc by making them meet, forcing Silver to lie to get her friends to help her hide, and Yamada and Aizawa to go to great lengths to keep her from being seen.
At the end of the day Ichika (the guest speaker) is talking with 2-A, when something spooks her and she calls out for someone called Silver to help her. Of course, Silver goes to help, but something has her freezing just outside the door, and it has nothing to do with all the trouble that could come from Ichika seeing her and recognising her. In the end, she uses Present Mic's speakers to help Ichika without being seen.

Chapter 65: Evasion Protocols

'Hi, this is Ichika, you might remember me better as Ichigo though. I hope this is still your number or this could be a waste of time and I remember how much you hate those but that's not the point. Anyway, you probably don't even care but I wanted you to know that I'm going to be doing talks at UA this week. The second years are learning about domestic violence and abuse so I'm going to teach them so the next generation of heroes aren't completely useless. So pretty much I just wanted to thank you for what you did for me and my mum. You saved our lives and I'm never going to thank you enough for it. You should be proud of what you've done for people like me. Thank you.'

Proud, huh? No. There were better ways, right ways. Every time, she'd had enough evidence to take it to the police, she'd just never trusted them to handle it until recently. Now Silver forwarded along every message she got, along with as much evidence as she could gather and left it for them to find. The new person in charge of the domestic violence division was doing pretty well Silver had to say, having kept one eye on each case, the girl knew every one so far had led to a prison sentence or was heading in that direction. Maybe she should have done that all along, too late to dwell on it now.

But, she had to say the text message did leave her feeling something not unpleasant. Silver might not have been proud of her past actions, but she was proud of Ichika for rising from her childhood so well that she was willing to talk about it in order to help others.

From Silver's bad, this girl had somehow made good.


Aizawa dropped back against the sofa, eyes wide. Silver was out tonight and weren't they lucky she was. The underground pro had— at long last— got round to asking Tsukauchi about the motive behind the Silent, Silver and Deadly killings just as Silver told him to and he'd chosen to do it over a phone call of all things. He regretted not hearing this in person, but he needed to know and now he did.

"Right. Do you happen to know anyone by the name Chidori Ichika?"

"Yeah, son- Sorry, daughter of one of her-" Aizawa heard him cough over the line. "SSD I mean. Chidori Ichika's father was one of SSD's victims."

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