67. Looking Forward

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Author's Note: Sorry for being late. Time is a construct and days have no meaning. I'll try not to be late next week!

Hope you're all having lovely days/nights!

It hadn't taken too long to sort out in the end, thanks to Nezu's purely ingenious nature, sure it wasn't an immediate start, but they weren't waiting months: tonight would be Shinsou and Silver's first night of their internships. Shinsou spent the entire day bursting with excitement carefully concealed beneath his too-tired-to-be-life-ing demeanour, but not only for the internships, oh no. He was pretty sure Silver had started picking up on the little signs, conversations dying a few too many times when she walked in, the odd stare, some subtle (or painfully unsubtle in his opinion) questions that Silver somehow hadn't caught them out on yet.

Honestly, this close to it, half the class were just waiting for Silver to call them out on their whole super secret plan, but she hadn't... yet. They still had a whole day to go though.

Thankfully, the girl seemed pretty intent on not doing too many lessons with the class today. She was in for homeroom, as always, but was missing for their Foundational Heroics theory lesson on trauma victims. Silver never did seem to appear during those, she'd said the adults who'd recently started fostering her didn't give her permission to be involved so she wouldn't be allowed to take part in this part of the course until next year when it was mandatory. She hadn't given a reason for her new parents' refusal.

Silver had seemed so much happier and more open since finding a home, trying to involve herself more in conversations, getting to know the classmates she'd barely spoken more than a few polite words to before. She was trying to be different, and her hard work was really showing. Most of the class was now willing to call her a friend, even if it was still pretty clear that Kirishima and Shinsou were the two closest to her, Mina and Midoriya probably the next in line. It seemed her parents were a good influence.

She only came for seventh lesson in the end, and probably only because Aizawa was the one reluctantly covering for a sick Ectoplasm— apparently he'd been working as a hero the day before and seriously overworked his quirk combatting a villain, putting him on bedrest until Recovery Girl deemed him well enough for teaching. It wasn't hard to notice her best attendance was for lessons involving Aizawa and Yamada, her worse by far being the fact she hadn't been to a single lesson taught by Snipe in all the time she had been willingly coming to the school. But there she was, happily crunching numbers in her front corner, not using her calculator half as much as any of the other students present. They were doing algebra, but it was the kind of algebra that had everyone's head spinning, except her of course, she just drove right through, tearing through each question like maths was what she breathed. It was insane, completely insane.

It was part way through the class that the giggles started. Nobody could say why or how it began, though everyone was pretty sure it had something to do with the plan they had for Silver and Keenan. Kaminari (sitting almost in the middle of the students) was snickering, and then Ojirou in front of him couldn't hold it in anymore. Within seconds it had spread nearby to Mina, Aoyama and Kirishima. Jirou started struggling but managed to keep it behind her hand for now. By this point, the giggling group had the attention of most of the class, all the students either staring questioningly at them, or glancing at their slumbering teacher who wouldn't take kindly to being awakened by a fit of giggles— and they knew that from experience. Unfortunately, this laughter didn't seem to be stopping as a few snorts were heard from the direction of Uraraka who was sat at the back right corner of the class.

As Uraraka flushed red at the ridiculous sounds she'd just emitted, almost all of the remaining strongholds fell, leaving only Kouda— who may not have been laughing but had his lips pressed into a thin line like he was fighting to keep it in— Shouji— who was obviously much better at controlling giggles since he couldn't laugh until he'd used his dupli-arms quirk to form a mouth to giggle from— and Silver.

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