84. Sneaky

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Reminding people that these chapters are not beta-read so please tell me any spelling mistakes or if a sentence doesn't make sense! I will be so grateful!!!

Silver shuddered, her whole body was so completely and utterly against this it was physically rejecting the idea. And yet, she knew she was stuck with it. The easy choice here, would be for her to blame this on Aizawa, since it was— in reality— literally all him, however, Silver was absolutely certain that if she traced the blame back properly she would inevitably reach Nezu, the one she had to blame for near all things that went wrong in her life.

According to Aizawa, it was time for another attempt at stealth training. This time however, the challenge was a little different.

No teams, no ambush, just Training Ground Gamma and a game of good old hide and seek. For the next two hours, class 2-A would know what it felt like to be hunted and boy, did Silver know that feeling.

They were all pretty sure Hagakure was going to win but that wasn't going to stop them from trying, after all, Aizawa had made this game a last one standing competition, and 2-A was nothing if not competitive.

A horn sounded for the beginning of the challenge, and five minutes later, a second horn signalled Aizawa's entrance onto the battlefield.

Now, Silver had actual experience in the world of hiding from pro heroes, and rule one of hiding was: don't. When villains in those overplayed movies taunted the hero with 'you can run but you can't hide' it was actually pretty good advice. Hiding was all well but only when a place was found that nobody would ever bother looking into, but until that moment it was best to stay moving. Never stop. Never look back. Stay alive. Stay running.

However, in a close quarters hunt, neither hiding nor running was truly the right path, no, to survive being hunted when the enemy was forever close, well then it was time to put those tracking skills to use and play at hunter.

That was why Silver was now stock still, jacket turned inside out and hood over her head, peering out at Aizawa between two pipes (big enough to be as tall as her when put together) while he walked down the narrow path between two blocks of metal, acting as their buildings for the exercise.

Rule one for staying out of sight: the human eye tracks movement on reflex, especially fast movement— in other words, move and you're dead.

Normally with something like this, Silver would choose to be high up, the rooftops preferably, since most people were so busy looking down they never bother looking above them. Aizawa, unfortunately, was not a normal case, she expected him to take to the roof sooner rather than later, which meant she was grounded. Not only that, but it was the middle of the day, which meant shadows.

Rule two: always know where your light sources are, shadows can be unexpected but they will still lead your enemy right to you.

She ducked around pipes and corners, her breaths smooth and even, letting him leave her sight for short breaks but always making sure she had an idea of where he was. An idea was enough when it was proved correct regularly enough. She stayed quiet and she stayed low. Her breath hitched and she clambered back the way she'd come.

Rule three: do not— at any point, no matter how many things go wrong— panic.

Aizawa headed right for the spot she'd been in moments ago. She did not watch him look around the space, she strained her ears for footsteps she knew he would barely make and readied to bolt.

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