Chapter thirteen

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Terrified I look into her eyes. She has a expression on her face which says: "I'll kill you.". Finnick grabs my hands tigther while he feels how feared I am. 'Who's that?' He whispers in my ear. I stand there being paralyzed by seeing her.

'That's my mother.' I whisper back.

'Annie Cresta, what the heck do you think you're doing?' She says with a mean undertone in her voice. I start to shiver a bit. 'I... I'm just er... Greeting our new victor! Isn't it great he brought some proud to our beloved district?' I say with a clumsy smile. Her eyes say that she doesn't believe me at all. 'Annie, I'm not dumb, I know you are in love with this stupid boy.' I look at Finnick, a bit asking for help. 'In love? No, not at all.' I say hoping I'm not blushing. 'Madam, actually, we are not in love. Annie came over here to ask me to help her. She wants to be a victor just like me and wanted to make you proud. So I just started with training her.' Finnick says while he lets go of my hands. I see that my mother doubts or he's telling the truth. 'Oh really Annie? You are training?' She asks me while she raises one eyebrow. 'Yes, now you did ruin the surprise.' I say trying to control my shaking voice. 'Alright, show me what you've learned when you're eighteen.' She says while she smirks. 'Of course! I'll show you everything.' I say happily she believes our lie. 'Darling, I mean when you volunteer to be in The Hunger Games of course.' She smirks even more. 'Yes moth-' Then I realize what she said. 'Wait what?! I'm not going to volunteer!' I shout. 'Ssst Annie, don't make her mad.' Finnick whispers from  behind. 'Oh sweetie, you are. Bring some pride to the name Cresta.' She stares at me with a happy look on her face. I guess she likes to see me suffer. 'Mother, I'm not doing that.' I say to her. I'm NOT going to volunteer. Never, not in my entire life. 'Only I can decide what you do, and that's volunteering darling. So, now, leave mister Odair alone and come home with me. She'll come to you tomorrow to start her "training". And if she doesn't get better, she will die in the Arena. With that knowledge, I wish you the best of luck mister Odair.' She says still smirking. Then she grabs me by my arm and pulls me away from Finnick. Desperately I look at Finnick, mouthing "help". He signs that he doesn't know what to do. 'Now, if you excuse us, we are going home. I want you to be here at 8 am tomorrow.' My mother says while she pulls me home with her. 

The way home is silent, none of us says anything. But you can feel the tense in the air. I brace myself for what's coming, I know mum is mad, she's going to kill me when we get home... My arm starts to hurt because my mother is still pulling me. I'm so scared... We enter our house and mum close the door with a light slam. 'Sit down. Now.' She commands and I sit down on the ground as quickly as I can. Somehow relieved that she let go of my arm. 'Are you insane?!' She screams. I make myself tinier while I see her explode of madness. 'You sick little girl! Falling in love with that boy! He's a victor! He's worth much more than you! You are stupid! You can't even throw a knife! Jeez Annie, you're not worth to be a Cresta!' These words hit my heart, all with an incredible force. I feel my eyes are watering. Don't cry Annie! Don't cry now. I wish my dad was still here... But he isn't, he died a year ago, and left me alone with my cruel mother. He was my everything! I loved my dad so much... He died in an accident, the Peacekeepers needed to kill someone, but they shot the wrong person. I will never forgive them for killing my dad! Never! 

'Tomorrow you go to that Odair boy and learn how to kill. And yes, Annie Cresta, you WILL volunteer. I'm forcing you. Since I'm your mother, you need to do as I say so. Cresta will be a victorious name again.'

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