Chapter eleven

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Finnick's pov

I wake up early and look up at the sky. Another day in the Arena. I'm slowly getting used to this, I wake up, I eat, I drink, I kill, I go to sleep and no one dares to come closer to me. Easy as pie. I sigh and slowly stand up. It's bad that I got used to this, I mean, I have killed like 7 tributes right now. There are only four of us left. Lorelei, from my district, Greg and Hilary. Lorelei wasn't as dumb as the others to walk into my trap. She must have recognized it. I can feel something is different about this day,  I can feel it's coming...

The Grand Finale. Someone is going to get out of this Hell, this torture today. And it has to be me. I need to survive! I need to apologize to Annie! I don't know why I said that I didn't even care about her, but it's still killing me inside. My chest feels like it's exploding of guilt. That's what I am killing for, for Annie. I need to see her again, I don't care or it's only one second. I feel that my eyes are watering and I quickly wipe over my eyes, hoping no one saw that. While I whistle a bit I check my first two traps, nothing. In the third one though, I see a girl. Blonde hair and hazel eyes. She's crying and trying to get out of the trap. I stare at her and grab my trident. 

'No! No Finnick please! Please have mercy!' Hilary screams in fear. 'Let me out! I won't hurt you!' I doubt for a second. Should I... No! That will end the same as with Layla. And if I don't kill her, I will never see Annie again. Annie is more important than Hilary... I take a deep breath and kneel down next to her. 'Hilary, I'm so sorry, but I miss someone really badly at home. I love her. And I want to see her again. For that, I need to end your life now. I'm so sorry...' I whisper in her ear. 'FINNICK NO! YOU DAMN BASTARD! I HATE YOU! I HOPE YOU'LL LOSE AND DIE TOO! YOU DON'T DESE-'  I stopped her talking by stabbing her with full power with my trident. A loud "Boom" sounds. She's dead. '

I scratch the back of my head and go through her stuff. Apples, she's got three apples. I eat two of them pretty quickly, because I know I'll have to fight today. I grab my trident in my right hand. The knives and the spears I leave behind. I won't need them anymore. Besides, it's too heavy and annoying to carry it all. With big steps I leave my save spot. Where I have been for the whole Games. The food and water from the tributes I killed kept me alive. Where should I head to? I think the Cornucopia is the best option, there I'll find Greg and Lorelei for sure. They will probably team up on me, but I maybe I could handle it. Well, if I just think of Annie, I'm invincible. No one could take that last chance to see her away from me. 

It was a long walk, but I've finally reached the Cornucopia. Well, I'm looking at it from a distance. I'm also looking at Lorelei, who's kissing Greg. Wow... I didn't see that one coming... This might be harder than I thought it would be. Like this they'll do everything to protect each other. There lips leave each other and they stare at the other. 'Greg, do you have any idea what we could do about Finnick? That tiny boy from my district?' Lorelei asks him. Greg shrugs. 'We don't have to be scared of that little brat. So far he was just helping us with eliminating the other tributes, but now we just need to kill him. We are only left with three. Since Hilary didn't come back, I assume she was the one who died this morning. I'm sure Finnick must be on his way to here right now.' Lorelei sighs and drinks some water out of one of the fourteen bottles they seem to have. 'We should take him out now.' She says with a serious look on her face. 'Yea, you're probably right. But er... What are we going to do after we killed him?' He asks while he looks her right into the eyes. 'I don't know... Maybe we could fight over it honestly?' Greg grabs her hand. 'We'll see. Let's first kill that stupid little boy.' He says while he stands up and grabs his sword. Lorelei grabs a mace and puts a few knives in her pocket. Okay, now I need to take my chance and surprise attack them. They are coming closer to the bushes I'm hiding in. I tighten the grip of my trident and take a deep breath. Greg is walking the closest to me so I need to kill him first. When they are next to my bushes I jump out and stab Greg down with my trident. I stab him a few times to make sure he's dead. He screams Lorelei's name until he takes his last breath. Lorelei screams in terror and anger. She runs towards me and swings her mace with full power at my head. I duck and dodge the mace. My heart is pounding faster than ever and I swing my trident at Lorelei. She jumps back and I miss completely. 'Damn it...' I mumble while I stare at her. She's coming at me again, swinging her mace, but this time I know what to do. Before she can reach me, I point my trident at her and she runs into it. The trident goes through her stomach and she falls on the ground, coughing up blood. The deep red is everywhere and I see Lorelei screaming in pain. I kneel down next to her and grab one of her knives out of her pocket. 'I'm sorry.' I whisper while I cut her throat to stop her from suffering. Two canons boom. 

And within a second, I realize that I, Finnick Odair, won the 65th annual Hunger Games.

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