Chapter four

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I’m scared… Today, it’s Reaping day. I know someone is going to volunteer if I’ll get Reaped, but still, maybe they don’t? Maybe they let me just go to get killed. Let’s face it, I could never survive. I may be a career, but I can’t do anything but swimming. Unless the arena is a giant ocean, I’m dead. Nervously I walk rounds in my tiny room. He’s coming soon, maybe he can calm me down. I look at the dress my mom put on my bed for me. It’s deep blue, like the ocean. It gives me some sort of comfort, even on a day like this. I put on the dress, close the buttons one by one. My mom comes in. ‘Annie, you look beautiful.’ I look up at her and give her a slight smile. ‘Thank you.’ I say grateful. ‘Here, let me do your hair.’ She walks over to me and starts to make two braids out of my hair. ‘Are you nervous?’ I nod and try not to tremble. ‘It’ll be okay, I’m sure you won’t get Reaped. And if you are Reaped, someone will volunteer. No worries sweetie.’ She says in a try to calm me down. I bite my lip slightly. ‘It’ll be okay…’ I repeat after her. Then we stand there in silence, my mom is still making braids. When she’s done, she turns me around. ‘Beautiful.’ She kisses my forehead and leaves the room. I sit down on my bed, waiting for him. ‘Annie! Sorry I’m so late!’ His voice sounds from my right. I turn to the right and see Finnick entering the room. ‘Finn!’ I shout while I fall into his arms. He pulls me a bit closer. Finn and I have been spending this entire week together, and I think… I think I’m in love with him. Yes, I’m in love with Finnick. I have no idea how he feels about me, I’m too scared to tell him that I love him though. ‘I’m scared.’ I tell Finnick. He grabs one of my braids and plays with it. ‘Don’t be Annie, you’ll be fine.’ He says calmly. How can he stay so calm under this type of situations? ‘We should get going, the Reaping is about to start.’ I nod and walk out of the door, in a try to hide my shaking hands.

I hug Finnick one last time. ‘Good luck Finn.’ He smiles a bit. ‘May the odds be ever in your favor Annie.’ He says while he gives me a wink. Then he turns around and walks over to the boy section. I take a deep breath and walk to the girl section, where I get my finger pricked. I walk over to the thirteen year old girls and stare at the giant stage where a lady with crazy blue hair appears. She taps on the microphone. 'Ladies and gentlemen of District 4! Welcome to the Reaping of the 65th annual Hunger Games! But before we start, here’s a special film!’ The Capitol film starts to play. I don’t even watch, I just keep on thinking. ‘Then! The moment has arrived, to pick our lovely tributes! As always, ladies first…’ She puts her hand in the bowl and I hold my breath. Please don’t be me… ‘Lorelei Eeves! Come on up darling!’ Thank god it’s not me! It’s not me! Woohoo! I watch the eighteen year old girl walk onto the stage. She doesn’t even seem nervous, I think she’s happy. How could you ever be happy to be a tribute?! ‘And now, for the boys!’ She puts her hand in the bowl. ‘Ohh! What a lovely name! Finnick Odair!’ She shouts happily.

My heart stops beating.

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