Chapter twenty eight

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Finnick's pov

 Staring at the big television screen in my appartment, I can feel my limps go numb. Annie hides in the bushes, but Felix is not even trying to hide. No... If he dies Annie's heart will be broken, no matter how much I hate to admit that. They kissed. And when they did, I felt like my heart broke into a million little pieces. Like it was thrown at a wall and shattered. I swallow and look at the screen. The careers are coming, at least they're kind enough to let him say a last word.


I close my eyes and turn my head away. I don't want to see it. I don't want to see the boy that I mentored die. The boy who always wanted to protect my Angel. And he did, until the very end. I'm grateful for that. I open my eyes and look at the screen again as a canon booms. I stare at the careers, who are laughing about what just happened. Joking around about how you can't eat a fish's head. That's right, Felix head is chopped off. I bite my lip and put my hands in my hair. What will happen to Annie now...? The careers leave, letting the camera's film her. She crawls out of the bushes, looking like a zombie. Her head is full of sand and tears are running down her cheeks. She lays her hand on one of Felix's cheeks. Then she starts to scream, and she curls up into a tiny ball. She's going insane! My eyes widen as I watch her freaking out like she never did before. She needs to run! She's got to get away from this place. Then something happens, she stands up and starts to run. I hope she won't fall, because I can see she can't even stand properly. Maybe the adrenaline is keeping her up. After fifteen minutes of running, she falls down. I make fists out of my hands. She needs me, I can feel it. I can help her, I should. I jump up of the sofa, running towards the gamemaker who takes care of sponsorships. No one will ever sponsor her again after this, but I've raised enough money already to buy her something.

"One bread please, with a message. For Annie Cresta District four."

The guy gives me a weird look. "You want to sponsor that weak girl? She's insane Mister Odair."

"She's not! Let me send  her something! Now." I give him a furious look. He can't talk about Annie like that. She's not insane, she's just... Upset. She just needs to know that I'm here, and that I'm thinking about her. That I love her with all my heart and that I will never love anyone else but her. The mermaid who moves fantastically in the water. The mermaid who can swim perfectly. The Angel who has captured my heart. My Angel.

I write down a few words I should have said to her if she was here, safely in my arms. But now this is the only thing I can do. I let the guy send Annie the bread. Quickly I head back to my television, trying to see how she will react when she sees it. For some reason Annie is apparently laughing. Why would she laugh?

"The guy's a fish." She giggles. Okay, she's talking about me. Something is not going right in her head. She can't really be insane, can she? No, that would be ridiculous. Annie is still the same Annie as she was before the Games. Before Felix's dead. But then I hear her beautiful voice. "I love you too." She whispers. My heart starts to pound faster. She remembers me! She loves me, she really does. My lips curl up into a smile. She's not insane.

Then the view of Annie disappears, the screen is now showing four tributes who are near each other. Both in an alliance of two. This will end up being a fight... The tributes notice each other, they all grab their weapons immediately. One of the three boys starts to attack a girl, her ally joins into the fight and so does his ally. The boy manages to slam an axe into the girls stomach. She drops onto the ground, immediate death. The boy she allied with stabs the guy in his throat and he also drops down death. Now there are only two boys left, who tragically both die as they stab each other at the same time. Four canons fire.

Then I see Annie appear on the screen again. She looks a bit calmed down, I think. "Hold on, I'm bringing you home." I whisper as I lay my hand on her digital face.

Suddenly something frightens me...

A huge wave of water is coming her way.

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