Chapter sixteen

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Five months have passed since our first kiss. My mother wants me to go and practice with Finn three times a week, I'm so lucky! Humming I make my way over to his house again. I have the key of the gate so I can enter whenever I want. I walk over to his house and knock on the door. Oh right! There's a doorbell! I always forget about that, this is the first one I've seen in my entire life. I ring the doorbell and wait for an answer. The door slowly opens up and I look at Finnick, which makes me smile even brighter. 'Morning little mermaid.' He says while he gives me a wink. 'Morning!' I say happily. He steps aside so I can come in. I walk into his house which I still can't believe it's his. The walls are a combination from white and a light blue, which makes it looks softer. Finnick takes me to the living room and signs me to sit down on the couch. I do as he signs and take a seat. He sits down next to me. 'So, what do you want to do today?' He asks me while he lays his hand on my leg. 'I don't mind, you can choose.' I tell him, I never know what to do. 'Alright then, I think we should fight today.' He says while he smiles a bit. 'Fight? You mean like, really fighting?' I ask a bit confused. 'I want to teach you how to swim better.' His smile turns brighter. Now I get what he means. 'Lake?' I ask smiling. 'Lake.'

When we reach the lake, Finnick throws his shirt off, revealing his muscles. He has a sixpack! Half drooling I stare at him and he stares back. 'What are you looking at?' He asks me while he raises one eyebrow. 'Nothing.' I giggle. He laughs a bit and runs towards me, picking me up in his strong arms. 'Finnick! What are you doing?!' I shout while throws me over his shoulder. He continues running, towards the water. I let out a scream and he's laughing way too hard. Now he's in the water until his knees. 'No! Oh hell no! You don't dare to do that!' I shout while I try to hide my laugh. 'I do little mermaid!' He shouts while he dives into the water, still holding me in his hands. We go underwater and I open my eyes. Finnick waves at me and starts to laugh. He quickly swims up and I follow him. I take a deep breath and laugh along with him. 'So, I see my mermaid already knows how to swim.' He says smiling. My mermaid. My. 'You can teach me to get better?' He puts his arms around me and I keep on moving my feet, trying not to sink to the bottom. 'I can teach you about breathing.' He says with a cheeky smile. I giggle and take a deep breath. 'Like that?' He holds me tighter. 'Do that again.' I do as he says so and then I suddenly feel his warm lips against mine. Totally enchanted by the kiss I forget to let go, I don't want to let go. 

'Annie Cresta!' Shouts a voice. Finnick let's go off me and I open my eyes, not knowing what's going on. 'Are you insane?!' Wow, what's happening? I shake my head to get back to earth again. Finnick already turned around and is paralyzed by fear. Slowly I stare from behind Finnick at the woman at the coast. 'Oh no... Mom...' I whisper while I bite my lip. 'Cresta, get your butt out of the water! Right now!' She screams. As quick as I can I swim out off the water, followed by Finnick. 'Get away from her!' She screams towards Finn. Finnick jumps back and my mother grabs the same arm as she grabbed a few months ago. This time, even harder. 'You two... You two will never see each other again!' She screams. It's like fire is coming out of her eyes. Her words feel like someone stabs in my heart. 'B-but.' I stutter. 

'No Cresta. You will NEVER see each other again.' 

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