Chapter twenty six

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I stare at Felix, who's still holding my head in his hands. "You're so beautiful." He says while he looks into my eyes. I smile when I hear the word beautiful, but still all I can think about is Finnick. I can't do this to him! This is horrible! Felix runs his hands through my hair and all I can do is standing there. I don't move at all. "You should get some sleep." Felix says still running his hands through my hair. I nod slowly and look at the cold hard ground. Uncomfortable I lie down, pulling the blanket all over me. Well, just not over my head. With a blank look I stare at the sky, knowing the Capitol song will start soon. It's already getting dark. Felix kneels down next to me. "How many do you think that... Died?" He asks me carefully with a worried look on his face. I sit up and put my head in my hands. "Eight? I don't know." I mumble. Felix puts his left hand on my back and looks up at the sky. The Capitol song starts to play and curiously I look up too. The bright Capitol emblem appears. Then the music goes away and all of the faces of the dead tributes appear. Nervously I count how many have not survived the first day. Ten, eleven, twelve... Then it stops. Twelve. Twelve children have been murdered today. I start to shiver by the thought of it. "Only half of us remain." Felix says while he stands up. "Catch some sleep, I'll take watch." I nod and lay down again. Softly I start to sob, thinking about Finnick. He must hate me now. What I did was horrible. I close my eyes and cry myself to sleep.

By hearing his voice, I wake up. "Annie, wake up, we got to travel." I open my eyes and look into Felix's. He's holding his sword in his right hand and his backpack is already over his back. "You're right." I say while I quickly stand up and start folding the blanket so I can put it back in the bag. I feel Felix is staring at me. I turn around and face him. "Why are you looking at me?" He smiles a half smile. "Just admiring the nice things about this situation." I roll my eyes. "You cheesy-" Before I can finish my sentence, I hear the sound of moving feet. It's like fear slaps me in my face. Scared I grab my axe and move over to Felix. "Run." He whispers while he runs the other way then where the sound came from. I follow him as quickly as I can, but I can hear the footsteps behind us going faster too. "Annie do what I tell you to!" Felix whispers while he continues running. I bite my lip and try to run even faster. 

"Little mermaid! Wait for us!" A deep manly voice screams from behind us. Then it hits me, it's the career from District one. I also hear the voices of at least three other careers. Fear is taking over my whole mind and I can do nothing else than think of dying. Death. Death. Death. I make a moaning sound. Felix turns to the left and I follow him, when we are almost at the end of this path, I see something that makes me want to kill myself already... A death end.

I turn around and hear the careers coming closer. "Hide!" Felix says while he almost pushes me in the bushes. I dive into them and feel the painful thorns cut my skin. I lay down on the ground under the bushes. "What about you?!" I whisper quickly when he doesn't go into the bushes. "I love you." He whispers while he doesn't look at me at all. "What are you-" But Felix stops me from talking. "Shut up and stay there until they're gone." He whispers. Then I hear the voices of the careers. Felix stands with his back against the bush which has locked us in. The careers are coming closer and closer, so close that I can see them.

"Ahhw, where's the mermaid?" The guy from one asks Felix with sarcasm in his voice. "She's gone. You'll never find her." Felix says trying to sound strong and secure. "Oh we will, after we killed her little merman." He smirks and walks closer to Felix with his big shovel. Suddenly Felix slams with his sword towards the guy's chest. The guy jumps back and the sword makes a tiny scratch on his chest. Furious the guy kicks Felix down onto the ground. With full body weight he presses his foot against Felix arms. A career girl pulls Felix's sword away from him. He doesn't have any weapons. "Guys, help me get him on his knees." The careers move towards Felix and put him on his knees. The guy holds his shovel above Felix neck. "Any last words merman?" He says smirking. My heart starts to pound faster and faster. No, no please not! I can't... I can't go on if he dies. Tears start rolling down my face while I try not to make any sound. I stare at Felix who looks at the ground and says his last words:


Then his head gets chopped off by the shovel.

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