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"It's coming from there!" Peter shouted and flung them as far into the massive construction area as he could, set Wade and Pool unceremoniously on the ground and set off running deeper into the maze of construction machinery, pitfalls and debris that marked the entire area as unsafe. The sound of the distressed child sounded weaker and Peter ran faster. His webs were useless here, as the area had been razed to the ground after one of the Leviathans, the massive space wormy things, had crashed there during Loki's foiled attempt at world domination a few years earlier.

"Webs, I have a bad feeling about this," Pool muttered, running next to him.

"Something is hinky here," Wade agreed. He, like Pool, had his guns drawn and was running flat out to keep up with Peter.

"We have to try," Peter said, turning his head in an effort to locate the child.

They ran into an open spot and Peter stopped, confused. The sound was coming from here, he knew it, but anything they saw was too small to conceal a child.

That's when the hail of bullets started. Peter's Spider-sense gave them a mere second of a warning. 

"They're everywhere!" he shouted and his two boyfriends didn't even hesitate. They grabbed Peter and sandwiched him between them just as the first bullets hit them.

"Wade! Pool!" Peter cried out as the bullets kept hitting Wade and Pool, both grunting with the impact.

"Hush, baby boy, it's alright," Pool murmured. "We've got that Kevlar, let's just ride this out."

"There's too many!" Peter panted, his Spider-sense going crazy with threat from all directions. It had been a trap, he realised, which Wade and Pool had sensed but Peter had been too intent on saving the child. It was all his fault. "I'm sorry! I should have listened to you!" Peter gasped, shaking between them. "You'll die!"

"Hush now. We will come back, but you wouldn't," Wade said.

"We will keep you safe until the cavalry gets here. Someone surely called one," Pool added.

"Yeah, Karen did, but what if they don't get here in time?" Peter said, expanding his senses as far as they would go in an effort to find a way out. But he sensed only enemies all around them. Where had they all come from?

"Karen? Oh, one of those busybody white women who always get involved in other people's business?" Wade said, his voice as calm as if he was sitting in a café, instead of being razed by bullets. "About time one of them did something useful." He grunted as another bullet found its way into him. The Kevlar coating in their suits was slowly disintegrating under the onslaught of bullets, not having been built for such a relentless assault.

"We would die a thousand times to keep you safe, baby boy," Pool said.

"You're the light in my life --"

"The cream in my coffee --"

"The quac in my tacos --"

"The wood in my mornings --"

"The cum in my ass --"

"Not now!" Peter snorted, almost laughing and his eyes tear up.

"The ass in Avengers assem--" Wade began, but went limp before he could finish. Peter's frantic hands, balled up in his leather suit and Pool's strong arms around them both kept Wade upright for a moment. Then a bullet found its way to something essential and Pool went limp, too. Peter couldn't hold both of them up and still remain sheltered and they collapsed in a tangled heap, Pool's death grip on Peter and Wade keeping them sandwiched on top of each other. The assailants started to walk closer, still shooting, changing guns whenever they ran out of bullets. An errant bullet hit Peter's shin and he cried out. Was this the way it was going to end?

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