Baby Doll, Wade and Pool

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Waking up to two morning woods pressing up against him was Peter's new favourite thing. He lay there enjoying the warmth and the exciting opportunities presented to him, until he could take it no more. He sat on his legs, pulled the covers away and enjoyed the view. Two Wades. Two erections. All for him. He reached for the lube on the nightstand and slowly rubbed his hands together and then reached out.

"Am I dreaming? It feels like I'm dreaming," one Wade mumbled. He turned to lie completely on his back and stretched into the hand providing him with sweet and slick friction. "Oh Thor, that feels amazing."

"This is the best wake up ever," the other Wade agreed. Peter's eyes raked over the two naked Wades, stretched side by side, hot and hard in his hands and he had to agree.

"One cock for each hand," one Wade gasped and bucked a little into the hand.

"It's like we were made for this," the other Wade sighed happily, his hips doing small eager thrusts upward.

"Is it a race? It's a race," first Wade said as Peter showed no signs of stopping. "What does the winner get?"

"Wait, is the one who finishes first the winner or the loser?" the other Wade asked breathlessly.

"Loser. The winner gets to have sex with baby boy first. Right honey buns?" Wade asked and groaned as the hand picked up pace. "Fuck! You do that so well, baby boo. Oh, right there, uh huh, right there..."

The other Wade was beyond speech already, gripping the pillow behind his head with both hands, arching into the hand pleasuring him and making a "ngh ngh ngh" sound in time with it.

"Uh huh, one of you better," Peter said, watching his hands like in a trance. "So hot..."

"Fuck!" the Wade on the left cursed as he started cumming. Peter watched the cum splash all over the taut, scarred stomach and leaned in and sucked the head of the cock in his mouth. "Fuuuccckkk!" Wade groaned and shuddered as Peter moaned and took him in deeper. 

"I win!" the other Wade cried triumphantly, waited a moment impatiently and then rolled Peter under him in one nifty move. "Ready or not, here I come," he warned, but immediately belied his own words and reached for the lube. "I mean, prep first, then you come, then I come, but you know."

As one Wade pushed inside Peter slowly, the other Wade shuffled closer and started kissing Peter lazily. "Mmmm... I can taste my cum on your mouth, so hot... you taste sweeter though, let me get right on that," he added and shimmied lower.

Peter gave in blissfully to the tender attentions of his two boyfriends. He could get used to mornings like this. Then he felt a stab when he remembered they would be in much shorter supply in future. But they were all here now and now was perfect.

Realising there wasn't enough space in the shower for all three of them afterward was Peter's new least favourite thing. Showers with Wade were sexy and splashy fun, but space had already been tight with one Wade. Now with two...

"We're gonna need a bigger shower," one Wade said needlessly.

"And bed. Something sturdier, too. Did you hear it creaking last night?" the other Wade asked.

"Yeah," Peter said, going red as he remembered the energetic activity that had made the bed almost give up on them. "So what are we going to do about this shower?"

"Rock paper scissors," one Wade said, holding out his hand. The other Wade mimicked it and groaned as he lost.

"Fine! I'll make pancakes. You get to shower with baby boy," he grumbled.

"We'll swap tomorrow morning," Peter promised and kissed him to seal the promise. That perked Wade up and he skipped to the kitchen happily to make breakfast. One Wade washing his hair while another was making breakfast. Peter could definitely get used to this.

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