Can you kill the Dead?

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"He's perfect," Peter heard when his consciousness swam slowly to the surface the next morning.

"So pretty..."

"And soft," he heard, as fingers swept slowly up Peter's arm, pretty much the only part of Peter which wasn't covered by muscles and scars, courtesy of his two large boyfriends. He felt so comfortable and safe, he indulged by keeping his eyes closed for a little longer.

"And alive," Peter heard from his other side.

"Yeah, that's the best thing. We did good."

"Yeah, we did."

"Do you think Peter will say that thing again?"

"The p-word?"

"He did call us his heroes yesterday, so maybe?"

Soft lips joined the questing fingers in mapping every visible part of Peter's body. Peter's heart throbbed. What had he done to deserve these two sweet idiots? Their voices were hushed with awe, their bodies, huge and muscly and hot lay on both sides of him like brackets hiding a secret, their lips warm and soft like dancing butterflies on Peter's skin. Peter flushed. The silly things he thought. But Wade and Pool were just so lovely. He opened his eyes and the two beloved faces of his boyfriends brightened like it was Christmas day. He blinked at them, a goofy smile spreading on his face.

"Aww... you look so sleepy baby," Pool cooed and pecked little kisses on Peter's face.

"Sleepy little spider," Wade hummed and joined in the kissing game.

Peter tried to chase each kiss with his lips, but he was outnumbered and more kisses landed on his skin than on his lips. "I love waking up with you," Peter murmured. "I love waking up to you two talking about me. You always say the loveliest things," Peter hummed contentedly. Suddenly the full impact of what happened the night before hit him and his eyes teared. "Baby doll..."

"Hush love," Wade cooed. "We know."

"We would die a thousand times to get even one more morning with you."

Peter's lower lip trembled. "I don't know what I have done to deserve you. The only place where I feel 100% safe is between you two. It isn't nowhere near enough to say that I'm proud of you."

"He said it!" Pool whispered jubilantly.

Then Peter frowned, still pursuing the thought. "Is it conceited to say that when the life you saved was mine?"

"But baby boy, you got hurt yesterday," Wade said sadly.

"I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for you two. Besides, I'm all healed," Peter said.

"Not sure we believe you," Pool said.

"Yeah, we're gonna have to kiss every inch of you to make sure it's all there," Wade said.

Peter sighed blissfully when the lips that had been caressing his face started to move downward. "As much as I love it when you do that, I have to remind you we're in the Tower."


"Let them wait, we have important work to do here," Pool murmured.

Two hours later they walked into the common room, hand in hand and hand, radiating happiness. Wade and Pool were wearing sweatpants and hoodies that were waiting for them that morning, which Friday told them were from Steve, as he was the only one big enough to have something that would fit.

"I'm going to wear Captain America's clothes," Wade had whispered with awe.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Pool said excitedly.

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