Sexy Webs

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Peter's first university semester began and it was an adjustment for them all. Especially since about a month into his term Peter started cramming for an extra test to qualify for a program for geniuses, basically. It was only announced a few days earlier and Peter had signed up for it straight away, then ran to the nearest bookstore to get the required reading.

Even Peter was finding it hard, but it would be worth it. Those selected for the program would be on the short list to qualify for an internship position at Stark Tower. Peter had been in Tony's lab a few times and his eyes had gone round with trying to look in every direction at once. He'd never told Tony he was applying for the internship, though. He wanted to qualify fair and square, not get the job because he was Spider-Man. And speaking of Spider-Man, the internship would actually save him time. The hours he would spend at Stark Tower would be counted toward classes in biochemistry, physics and maths, so that even with his remaining classes and his lab work it would leave Peter plenty of time to go on patrols with Wade and Pool.

But that would only be if Peter made it to the internship short list. Which mean he was spending every minute cramming for the test, which would be in a week. Those chosen for the qualifying program would have the rest of the fall term to prove themselves and the selection would be done just before Christmas in time for spring term.

Peter was studying and Wade and Pool were doing their favourite thing in the world, watching Peter. They were supposed to be cleaning and cooking, but they were engrossed by how Peter squinted at some small print, enchanted by how carefully Peter wrote down some observation, and riveted by the little frown Peter had between his eyebrows.

The only thing they stared at almost as much as Peter was the picture from an online newspaper that Peter had found, printed and framed. It showed Wade and Pool on their feet, their hands clapping, their faces split in identical rapturous smiles that were visible even under their Deadpool masks, looking up at their goddess, Bea Arthur on stage, just about to throw them a rose each.

Wade and Pool had gone all still when Peter had handed them the wrapped package.

"What's this?"

"Just a little something I thought you'd like."

"You got me a present and it's not even my birthday?" Pool had asked, his hands smoothing the hastily wrapped package reverently.

"I don't think anyone's ever given me a present like this before," Wade had said in a hushed voice.

Peter's heart had clenched and he had promised himself there and then that he would spend some of his newfound wealth to get Pool and Wade some nice things.

"You deserve it, Baby Doll," Peter had just said softly. "You're doing so well. I'm proud of you."

Wade and Pool had squirmed and Peter just had had to kiss them. "You're adorable, did you know that?" His tone and the lovely things he was saying had almost distracted Wade and Pool from their present.


Wade and Pool had gone into raptures when they unwrapped the photo and they had agreed where to hang it with alarming speed and had found a nail and hung the photo right away.

When they had had dinner later that day, Peter had returned to the photo and Wade and Pool's meeting with Bea Arthur. "You know every birthday present I give you from now on is going to be a massive disappointment," Peter had said mock sadly. Two identical faces of horror had whipped around to face him.

"What, no!"

"Every birthday with you will be perfect, even if there is no gift at all."

"'Cause you're the best gift ever, Peter," Pool had said and Peter had melted into soppy goo, which Wade and Pool had been happy to scoop up and carry into the bedroom. Where the framed photo hung in pride of place. Peter had protested the placement half heartedly, but Wade and Pool had insisted.

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