Dead end

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It had been going so well there was only one way it could end. Disaster.

A few weeks after their epic battle against the scarehares (Wade's word for them), which had turned out to be a lab project gone wrong by a scientist with a grudge, Peter was flinging his way to the tower, back from seeing May. Wade will be there, he thought, and he should be done with healing by now. At the thought of Wade his suit got uncomfortably tight. Their kissing was getting increasingly hot and handsy and it was becoming harder and harder to not take the next step.

Peter's last swing landed him on the glass surface of the Stark Tower, windows mostly dark now as the day staff had gone home and even the Avengers must have gone to bed, tired from their fight with a group of human traffickers earlier that day. 

Footage from the battle had splashed all over the news and all Peter had wanted was a hot bath and to snuggle into bed with Wade. After Wade had grown back his missing body parts, of course. But his Aunt May had called and had invited Peter over for dinner and Peter couldn't say no. He could only be grateful that May didn't know about his secret identity, or else the footage of Wade throwing himself between the scythe wielding bad guy and Peter would have meant that Aunt May would never let him out of her sight again. But, really, who brought a scythe to a gun fight?

Peter started to climb the Tower, his mind still on Wade. It had been hard to leave when Wade was still healing, especially after saving Peter's life, again, but since they were keeping a low profile around the Avengers it would have been suspicious if he had stayed.

Knowing Wade was waiting made his heart beat faster. He wanted to take that next step, but it was... complicated. He still hadn't even shown Wade his face and then there was the fact he was a virgin. He knew he could trust Wade, but what he had felt against his hip during their steamy kissing sessions promised something big in his future --

Peter's thoughts were interrupted when he suddenly came on a lit window and he looked in before he even made a conscious decision to. He froze and in those seconds he hung there unable to move, he saw two things. One, he was too far right, and two, this was not meant for his eyes. 

It was Steve Rogers, naked but for a tank top, balancing on the bathroom counter, his powerful thighs spread, and kneeling behind him, his hands keeping Steve's butt cheeks open, his tongue lapping up deep within, was Bucky. 

Steve's face in the bathroom mirror was slack with ecstasy, his powerful body visibly thrumming. "Buh-bucky, please....!"

Bucky rose to his feet and pulled out a finger that had been knuckle deep inside Steve. He licked his lips, his hand busy covering his cock with something that gleamed slickly.

"Gorgeous, Rogers," Bucky purred and pushed inside Steve in one smooth motion.

Steve's eyes rolled back in his head and he started cumming when Bucky bottomed inside him.

"Fuck, Stevie! Bucky groaned.

Peter finally broke free of his paralysis and he snapped to the side, out of sight. He shouldn't have seen that. It was private. The looks on their faces... Of course Peter knew the two super soldiers were in love, had been since before Steve went into the ice, but to see them in action was something else. He could still hear them, his enhanced hearing supplying him with every moan and gasp and Peter started a hurried ascent in an effort to escape his inadvertent snooping.

His difficult situation had suddenly become a raging problem. Peter winced at the way his spandex suit rubbed the padded cup against his hard on. Luckily he didn't have far to go. His room was two floors up and one window left.

He crawled up the vertical glass wall, two floors up and two windows left.

Peter pushed at the window which swung open and dropped inside with less grace than usual. It felt that good? His flustered mind kept repeating the moment Steve had cum like a geyser when Bucky thrust inside him. 

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