Dead ever after, part 2

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"I can't do this," Peter said.

"Is it too soon?" Pool asked, his face crumbling.

"No! It's not that," Peter hurried to assure him.

"Is it the vows?" Wade asked. "If it's the vows, we don't have to do the vows," he said and stuffed what looked like notes in his jacket pocket.

"We only worked on those for weeks, but it's okay. We don't have to do it if you don't want to," Pool said.

"No, wait, I want to hear yours," Peter said hastily. He just couldn't take their disappointed faces.

Wade and Pool brightened. "Sure, baby boy?" he asked and Peter nodded. It would be fine. Really, he was going to be just fine.

The guests fidgeted while this whispered conversation took place.

"EVERYTHING WELL, FRIENDS?" Thor asked in what he thought was a hushed voice.

"Just a little stage fright, nothing to worry about," Wade said out loud and their guests settled down.

"EXCELLENT! SHALL YOU BEGIN, THEN?" Thor boomed and Wade and Pool nodded enthusiastically and took Peter's hands in theirs.

"Baby boy, the best day of our lives was when you swung past in your sinful red and blue little number and webbed me to the wall," Wade began.

"That lowlife deserved what was coming for him," Pool muttered. "But we promise! No unaliving anyone. Even me."

"And every day since that day has been the best day of our lives," Wade said, getting back to the script.

"We promise to always come back when we die and try to die as seldom as possible. We will always watch your back and, damn, that ass!" Wade added and the guests snorted. Peter turned red.

"We promise to make you pancakes and clean the gun oil from our hands before we do. And we will let you have the last taco --"

"-- sometimes!" Wade stressed.

"Right, sometimes, and we promise you will never have to be alone again," Pool said.

"You have us for as long as you want, baby boy," Wade promised solemnly. "Forever sounds good to us."

Peter's eyes were wet and his breath hitched. These adorable doofuses. How could he ever tell them how much they meant to him?

Wade and Pool finished and stood there, each holding one of Peter's hands in his, beaming at him expectantly.

"Your turn," Pool said encouragingly and Peter swallowed. He had been so caught up in Wade and Pool's vows that he had completely forgotten to put even a thought to his own vows.

"It's alright baby boy, it's enough that you're standing here with us in the sight of Thor," Wade said soothingly.

"No, I want to do this. I just don't know if I will be any good," Peter said.

"Just be honest, Peter darling," Aunt May said from the first row and smiled at him proudly.

Peter took a deep breath and turned back to look at Wade and Pool. "Baby Doll," Peter began and he had no idea what was going to come out of his mouth. "The first words you ever said to me were 'damn, look at that ass. I'm in love'," Peter said and Bucky snorted. "I didn't know then that I had just met my best friend. You were just some stab happy dude in black and red leather who I had to web to the wall to keep from killing people."

"You can web us to the wall anytime," Pool said and winked.

"I thought I had to this alone. That I couldn't let anyone near, or trust them with my secrets, or someone else I loved would be taken from me. It was just so hard sometimes. And lonely. Until you came," Peter said. He dabbed under his eyes with the back of his hand, dragging Wade's hand along with it.

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