Itsy bitsy spider

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"Are you sure about this," Wade asked nervously as Peter was about to ring the bell.

"I'm sure, Wade," Peter said. "Aunt May is cool. I told you that she knows all about you." 

"That's what worries me," Wade muttered.

"It'll be okay, Wade. And you look good." 

Wade was wearing neatly pressed jeans, a button up shirt and a hoodie with the hood pulled over deep over his bare face. His bare hands were clenched into the kangaroo pocket in front of the hoodie, his shoulders hunched. He would feel so much better in his suit, but katanas didn't really go with a family dinner.

Before Wade could reply, Peter opened the door. "Aunt May! We're here!"

Aunt May came out of the kitchen, wiping her hands in a dish towel. "Finally! Dinner is ready," she said and hugged Peter.

"Aunt May, this is my boyfriend Wade Wilson," Peter said proudly. "Wade, my Aunt May."

May looked up at Wade and smiled and kissed his cheek. "Welcome, Wade. Peter has told me so much about you."

Wade stood there with a soft, shocked look on his face, his hand on his cheek.

"Come on," Peter said adoringly and pulled him into the living room.

When Wade had left, after weeks of misery, Peter had finally come clean to Aunt May. He had told her about Wade, but skirted around anything that would have revealed Peter's secret identity. It was safest that Aunt May didn't know.

"Deadpool?" Aunt May had said faintly. "But he... he saved your life!"

"What?" Peter's voice had cracked. It had been the last thing Peter had expected Aunt May to say.

"I saw it on TV. Deadpool saved Spider-Man from that horrible person with the scythe!"

Peter's mouth had dropped open. "You know?"

Aunt May had rolled her eyes. "Of course I know. You're not half as clever as you think."

Peter had nearly toppled over with relief and grief. "His real name is Wade Wilson and he's amazing, Aunt May. He's trying so hard. He only kills in self defence now. Or to save me. Or the Avengers. Or someone innocent. Really, he hardly kills at all. He's trying so hard to be good, Aunt May, because I asked him to. And now I lied to him and he left and I don't know what he will do—"

Aunt May had shushed him. "He sounds like a wonderful man. You bring him over for dinner when he comes back."

"He's gone, Aunt May," Peter had said bleakly. "He left me."

"Oh, Peter. He loves you. How could he not? He will be back." That had been a few weeks before Peter's 17th birthday, when Peter had been feeling the lowest he had ever had. Peter hadn't felt as sure of Wade's return as his Aunt May seemed to be. Then Wade's present had arrived, Peter had found hope again and a year had passed somehow and here Wade was now, going to have that dinner with his Aunt.

Aunt May lead them into the dining room which was already set for dinner. There was a big salad on the table already and Aunt May ducked into the kitchen and came back holding a big oven dish with over mitts. "It's moussaka. I've never tried it before but I saw the recipe on Youtube."

"It looks amazing," Wade assured her.

"Oh, the napkins!" Aunt May exclaimed and ran back into the kitchen.

"Don't eat it," Peter hissed at Wade.

"Huh, why not?"

"Aunt May... just... don't eat it," Peter said again, as May walked back in with the napkins.

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