Be my baby boy

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"Let me go fillet him, Webs," Pool whined.

"I said no," Peter said.

"But these are the bastards who almost killed you!" Wade cried indignantly.

"And killed both of us," Pool added as an afterthought.

"I know, Baby Doll." Peter said. He was wedged between his two boyfriends on the roof of a three story building, lying down and peeking over the edge at the action below. "I'm angry, too, but what did we agree about killing people?"

"It's bad. Even if they deserve it," Pool muttered sullenly.

Tony's investigation had proven that the head of a local crime family had been responsible for the ambush at the construction site. He had taken umbrage at Peter, Wade and Pool having stopped his no good son robbing an ATM vestibule with his friends.

"I don't understand. It wasn't even the brat who I katanaed to the wall," Wade had said when they heard about it. The son in question was the one who had pulled the classic 'don't you know who my father is' at them during the robbery. The group of robbers had all been released on bail and had been part of the ambush. The son had died during the Avengers' takedown, as had most of the crime organisation. The head of the family was the last one to be arrested of the ones who remained alive and at large.

"He's going to be in prison for the rest of his life," Peter said with deep satisfaction. Apparently the ones who had survived the ambush had been singing like canaries and the authorities had enough evidence tying the crime family to multiple other crimes, too. They were all going away for a very long time. What was left of them, anyway.

The police emerged from the brownstone building, leading what had to be the head of the crime family between them, his hands handcuffed behind his back. 

Wade stood up and Pool followed him. The head of the family raised his head and spotted them. He smiled thinly. Then Peter got up, in his spectacular new Spider-Man suit. The criminal bared his teeth and Wade and Pool pulled out their katanas, crossing two in front of Peter and pointing the other two at the mobster. The mobster read the threat loud and clear and he blanched, then followed the police quietly to the patrol car.

"What was that?" Peter asked, exasperated.

"Just a little message," Wade said brightly.

"He knows know that we know who he is and what he's done. Should he ever come after you again..." Pool said and sheathed his katanas, as the police car pulled away.

"But you don't kill anymore," Peter said.

"I would make an execution for him. Oops. Exception. Freudian slip," Wade said and giggled.

"Besides, he doesn't know that," Pool added.

They continued bickering as they went about their patrol, but it was a quiet night. Having two Deadpools and one Spider-Man at hand to foil a purse snatcher seemed a little overkill. The owner of the purse was suitably thankful, though, and even thanked Wade and Pool which  made them happy enough to skip to the next disturbance. It turned out to be only some kids graffitiing a wall and they let them go with a stern warning to clean the wall or they would face consequences.

"It's dead tonight," Wade said with an odd undercurrent.

"Yeah, let's swing to our rooftop," Pool proposed with barely suppressed excitement.

"Tacos first?" Peter asked as his stomach growled.

"No need. You'll see," Wade said.

Peter looked at the two of them questioningly, but swung them to the rooftop anyway.

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