Hulk smash

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A few days later, Wade and Pool were taking advantage of still having Peter at home in the mornings. There were limbs, tongues and cum everywhere and everyone was lying about in post-orgasmic bliss until...

"Could you please stop touching me," Pool grumbled.

"Huh?" Peter squeaked.

"Not you, baby boy," Pool's voice turned sugary sweet.

"I'm not doing it on purpose, ugly," Wade grunted. "There's only so much baby boy available, you and I are bound to overlap somewhere."

"I told you not to call yourself names," Peter said. "You have been so good with that, why are you like this now?"

"When it was just you and me --" Pool started.

"-- me and you --" Wade corrected.

"Like I said, when it was just you and me, I only saw myself in your eyes. And you--"

"-- you look at me with love. It was easier to forget all this," Wade said and gestured at the other him.

"But now I have to look at his, my, our, ugly mug all the time," Pool said bitterly.

"There's no getting away with it," Wade groaned. "And you're so pretty, baby boy. That mug," he said and flicked Pool's forehead with his finger," is a damned harsh comparison."

"But Baby Doll... you're so hot," Peter said, genuinely mystified and a little pink at the edges. "How can you not see it? You're built like a god, your muscles have muscles and you have gorgeous eyes! Your skin is just... a part of you."

"You're just saying that to make me feel better," Wade muttered.

"You can't mean it," Pool added.

"I do! And I can prove it to you," Peter said, suddenly remembering something.

Later that day, Peter swung them to the Tower and they let themselves in through the balcony. Wade and Pool started to head toward the movie room for their regular movie nights with the team, but Peter stopped them. "Friday, can you show us footage from my birthday party, please? When Black Widow took me aside."

"Of course, mr Parker," came the cool voice.

A screen flicked on and showed a spooked looking Peter following Natasha to a corner and then the image flickered to a viewpoint close to where they came to a halt.

"With sound, please," Peter added. The sound came on and Wade and Pool stopped their under breath bickering to listen.

"I'm asking what you see in him," Natasha asked when the playback began.

"I... he... he makes me laugh," Peter said. "He makes me pancakes, and he talks, like all the time, he talks to me and with the voices in his head. It's... nice. I can just sit next to him and not have to talk if I don't feel like it."

"That helps with your grief over Gwen," Natasha said on screen.

"Uh, yeah... I guess?" Peter said, and they watched as Peter's eyes followed Wade twirling around in his dress in front of frowning Sam. "And he's so hot he makes my brain melt." 

"You said that? About me? To Romanoff? Oh my god! You really are the most perfectest boyfriend ever!" Wade squealed.

"You really think that?" Pool said equally ecstatically. 

"Yeah?" Peter said, his voice high and squeaky. "Don't I tell you that? Enough?"

"That I'm hot? Never enough for me to believe it, given all this," Pool said and gestured to the skin he was again covering with his Deadpool suit.

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