Sticky business

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The party was in full swing when Peter and Wade entered, through the door this time.

"Peter, finally! —" Tony began, when his eyes fell on Wade.

"Hey everyone. This is Wade Wilson, my boyfriend." Peter said it proudly with a blinding smile and Wade promptly swooned against him.

"You're literally the hottest thing in the world," he cooed, as Peter grabbed him around the waist and held him up effortlessly.

"What the fucking Christ is Deadpool doing here? And what the hell is he wearing?? " Tony growled to Steve. "I had hoped we would never see him again." He turned to look at Steve, expecting sympathy. "Steve?"

"It's good to see Peter smile like that again." Steve's reply was fond.

"Judas," Tony hissed. Bucky eyed him darkly from Steve's other side.

Steve just smiled, looking at happy and glowing Peter. 

Wade's eyes flitted around the room from one disapproving face to another. "This is like Scarlett O'Hara going to Melanie's birthday party in that scandalous red dress after she was seen hugging wet Ashley," he stage whispered to Peter.


"Oh. My. God. You've never seen Gone with the wind?? Fucking Ashley," Wade muttered inexplicably. "Shit or get off the pot. And you, my adorable arachnid boyfriend, we're definitely going on a romcom bender. Again. But now, come on, the lions are hungry. Lift up your skirts, breathe through your tits and let's face the music."

Peter snorted. "I'm not the one wearing a dress, Wade. You are."

"I know! I was talking to myself," Wade said and lifted his skirts, held his head high and followed Peter.

When Wade had heard they were going to a party, he had insisted they stop at one of his safe houses on the way. Peter had swung them there, following Wade's instructions, elated to have his solid weight curled around his back again.

"What is this place?" Peter had asked, looking around the mostly bare apartment.

"Just a place I own. I needed somewhere to stash extra stuff. Now, change, doll face. I need to see what I'm working with," Wade had ordered. 

Rather than strip, Peter had just pulled on his party wear over his Spider-Man suit. The spandex was really comfortable and he never knew when he'd need his superhero alter ego.

To Peter's mortification, Tony had not only told him he was paying for Peter's party wear, but he had taken Peter shopping personally. Peter had absolutely refused a full suit, so they had eventually settled on a well cut pair of grey slacks and a deep red silk shirt. Tony had also bought him a slim black leather belt and a pair of grey and black shoes which Tony had called 'Oxfords' and which had cost more than Peter's monthly rent in his old apartment.

"Like two scoops of ice cream," Wade had cooed when Peter had obediently twirled around.

Peter had waited in the bare living room, trying to read the blood splatters on the wall like a Rorschach's test, while Wade changed so that he could make a grand entrance. Then Wade had walked in and Peter's jaw had dropped. Wade was wearing a stunning ruffly evening dress, a delicate white and green off the shoulders design that showcased Wade's strong leather clad shoulders. Wade was of course wearing his full Deadpool suit under the dress and the red and black clashed magnificently with the green of the dress.

"Oh my god..." Peter had whispered, taking in the splendor. "You look... you look really good," he had said, and Wade had preened, turning partly around and looking at Peter coyly over his shoulder before turning back around. 

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