In the Dead of night

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Peter jerked awake when the front door to the condo clicked softly open and landed on the ceiling, his hands and feet sticking to it even half asleep. Then his brain caught up and he moved stealthily along the ceiling, swung himself around the door frame and back to the ceiling on the other side. His eyes were fixed on the huge shape coming in through the door, manoeuvring a wheeled luggage behind him. 

Peter was sure that he didn't make a sound, but the hulking shape at the door raised his head. "Baby boy?"

"... Wade?!"

Wade's numb fingers found the light switch and they both froze, Wade in his Deadpool suit, katanas gleaming, his hand still clasping the unicorn coloured wheelie bag, Peter upside down in the ceiling almost directly above Wade now, an oversized sweater hanging from his slim frame. 

"Honey, I'm home," Wade whispered, his upturned face looking like he was at worship, even through the mask. He peeled up the bottom of his mask and licked his lips nervously.

"Wade!" Peter launched himself from the ceiling and dropped into Wade's arms, the force of his impact forcing Wade on his knees. They connected with the floor with a loud crack.

"Sorry! I'm so sorry!" Peter cried, trying to get off Wade.

"It's alright, it's just my kneecaps," Wade wheezed and wound his arms tightly around Peter. He wasn't going to let Peter get away again now that he finally had his arms around his baby boy, fractured kneecaps or not. "They'll heal mmmphhh—" Peter's self control snapped. Wade was finally here! His kiss stole the remaining air from Wade's lungs.

"Who needs oxygen, am I right?" Wade said in daze when he finally pulled away and looked at Peter. He had a serious case of bed head, his eyes were wide and the sweater was hanging off one shoulder. Wade thought he had never seen anything so adorable. Peter was patting his hands all over Wade, trying to persuade himself that Wade was really, truly here.

"I hoped you would come back today," Peter said, hiccupping a little. "But I didn't expect you to come in the middle of the night. What time is it?"

"2 am. I just landed. I couldn't wait. Should I have waited?"

Peter made a strangled noise and shook his head. "Wade... I love you! I'm sorry I didn't tell you that night. I've missed you so much!"

"You love me?" Wade asked incredulously, looking like Hulk had just hit him over the head. 

Peter could only nod emphatically and kiss Wade again. Wade's knees healed, the stars wheeled overhead and every moment was like balm to two broken hearts, reunited again.

"You're no JRR Tolkien, calm down," Wade said looking over Peter's shoulder into the distance, earning him a questioning huff from Peter.

"Nothing, sweetheart, just our writer getting carried away. Speaking of carried away..." Wade said and got off the floor with a little huff and carried Peter to the bedroom, with Peter trying to kiss each of the few inches of bare skin visible on Wade's face a hundred times.

Wade dropped Peter on his back on the bed, where he lay looking at Wade like he would never get enough, and was about to crawl after him when his eyes fell on the sweater Peter was wearing. "You're wearing my sweater?"

"It's the only thing that lets me sleep," Peter admitted. Wade's scent had faded from it long ago, but it was all Peter had left of him. Well, that, the necklace and the unicorn plushie. And the thing that he had hidden in the bedside table drawer. 

"Fuck, that's so hot," Wade groaned. "Take it off. Wait, what are those?! Deadpool panties?"

"They're boxers!" They had been a birthday gift from his best friend, MJ, who Peter had also told everything about Wade. "Deadpool, huh? Cool," was all she had said to the news her bestie was in love with a mercenary who wore red leather and more guns than was advisable. MJ had also found out about Peter's secret identity long ago. Peter was starting to think that women were dangerous and that it was just a stroke of luck that Peter was in love with a man. 

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