The Love Potion

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Chapter 5 – The Dream Root

Two days later after my tortured dream with the yellow eyed woman I had started again with not sleeping. It made my day crappy but it was better than been stuck to a tree with a knife been driven into your gut.

“Honey there’s a handsome boy looking for you downstairs.” My step-mother announced through my doorway.

“Really?” I replied enthusiastic, and at the same time threw the sketch book I had been doodling in away all of a sudden bored.

“Yep.” My step-mom said like a teenager who was excited about something.

“Who is he? Do we know him?” I asked as I slipped on my Tee shirt and tidied my hair.

“No I don’t think so but he says he knows you.” My step-mother answered.

I frowned a bit, I wasn’t expecting anybody I knew to come see me today. Nevertheless I bustled downstairs excited. The boy looking for me was in our living room. He had his back turned to me when I entered so I cleared my throat to announce my presence.

He turned around and it was………. Kevin I gasped, he had changed from his hospital nightgown which he always wore into jeans and a brown leather jacket; I couldn’t believe the gorgeous dude in front of me was my Kevin.

“Like what you see eh.” He smirked when he caught me staring.

I giggled and run forward to give him a rib cracking hug which he returned. We stood there for hours well not hours but it felt like hours holding each other. I could feel his heart beat throbbing against mine. I really wished this embrace would never end.

“Er….Ok we have to hit the road now Christina.” Kevin said dropping his hold around me.

I didn’t want to seem like an idiot so I let him go even though all I wanted was to hold him forever. “I guess the hospital discharged.” I asked looking away from him.

“Yep.” He answered and then picked up a picture which included me and my real mom, (not my step-mother) I hadn’t seen my real mom since I was nine, one day she was there and the next moment she had disappeared.

“So uh where are we going?” I asked looking away from the picture which was making me uneasy.

“To see the sorceress about reversing the love potion spell, I told you two days ago remember.” He finally put the picture down

“Oh……” I said miserably, for the past few days I knew what I wanted, and that was Kevin. But I didn’t know how to tell him so I was hoping this love potion thing would keep as together for a while until I figured what to do or at least convinced him to fall in love with me. Therefore if we undo the spell we would have no reason to see each other and Kevin would leave…..forever.

“What’s wrong?” Kevin asked.

“Nothing I just have to see if my step-mom will give me permission to go.” I lied and runoff to my room. My step-mom was cool; she would let me go anywhere I wanted so long as I came back at a decent hour.

“So is he a boyfriend.” My step-mom asked, she had been waiting in my room for me to tell her more about Kevin..

“Er Kevin?........ no he’s a just a friend.” I answered.

“A friend who you want to be more than a friend.” She asked deviously.

I smiled, that woman could see right through me. “Yeah.” I said sheepishly, if I didn’t tell the truth she would wrestle it out of me eventually.

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