The Love Potion

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Chapter 7 – Midnight Kiss

I expected my dad to be steam hot furious after Brianna and Tim had told him what they had seen me doing, slitting my wrist, but all he said was;

“I'm your dad; its my job to protect you so if there’s anything you feel you can’t handle tell me and I'll fix it for you I promise.” He had this awful sad look on his face when he said this, it made me feel ashamed of my behavior. Ok so cutting my wrist to remove the snake tattoo had been too extreme, I could have found another way without freaking my entire family out. 

Nevertheless I was glad I had gotten rid of 70 percent of the tattoo before Brianna showed up, I still hadn’t been able to reach Kevin to warn him. But I think the fact that I had not heard from him meant everything was going on great with him and his precious girlfriend.

“How are we feeling today Miss Christina?”

I looked away from the TV to stare at the person who had just spoken; it was a man in a nurse uniform carrying a tray which Nurse Hilda normally brought in herself every morning and evening.

“Uh where’s Nurse Hilda.” I asked.

“She’s sick today.” He replied and came closer with the tray which he set on my bed, I watched him nervously take out an injection. “Don’t worry I won’t hurt you he said.

I knew those words were meant to reassure me but the minute they came out from his mouth I felt this uneasy sensation settle over my shoulders, I didn’t like this man. So far all the new people who had come into my life for the past week all wanted to kill me so excuse me if I was a bit nervous.

“Relax.” He said smiling at me. I sank further into my bed trying to gain some distance between this man and I.

“Ahem…………. hi am I interrupting something.”

“Kevin.” I exclaimed surprised, he was standing by the doorway with this sheepish grin on his face and holding a bunch of white roses. What was he doing here I wondered happily.

“Hey Christina.” He grinned and came over to hug me.

The two of us were so busy hugging each other that we didn’t notice the evil grin that had appeared over the nurses’ face, if one of us had looked at him, we would have seen his pale green eyes turning yellow as he stared at us.

“So I haven’t been gone long and you’re already making new friends, are you going to bewitch him with a love potion too.” Kevin asked staring at the retreating figure of the nurse as he made his way out.

“Kevin that’s not funny. After all we’ve being through the last thing I intend to do is to go near another bloody love potion.”

“Good.” He replied smiling. “Because your magic only works on me.”

“What’s that supposed to mean.” I asked confused, I had a feeling there was a double meaning to his statement but I couldn’t decode it.

“Never mind, you need to get ready for the ball.” He said.

“What ball?”

“The one the hospital is organizing.” Kevin replied, he got up from my bed and went to the bathroom.

“I didn’t know the hospital was organizing a ball.” I replied.

“Yeah how would you know when you’re too busy slitting your wrists.” He said from the bathroom.

“Hey I had a good reason for that you of all people should understand……er Kevin is your tattoo moving too?” I asked.

“No…….aha I found it.”

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