The Love Potion - The Jinx

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Chapter 10 – The Jinx

I sat on the floor beside my father, staring helplessly at his white eyes, it took me twenty seconds to snap at out of the shock I was in and realize he needed my help, I reached towards his neck to feel his pulse, it was slow, but he was breathing normally which was a good sign.

Satisfied, I sat up and rummaged through my hand bag searching for my phone so I could call 911, my hands was shaking uncontrollably as I searched. I eventually found and I dialed for 911.

“911 what’s your….” I cut the nice lady off before she could finish.

“P-please I-I n-need h-help.” I stammered.

“Please calm down and tell me, what’s wrong ma’am.”

“No I don’t want to calm down.” I snapped at her. “My dad is…..he’s I don’t know what exactly is happening to him but I need help please.” I cried.

“Ok give me your address and we’ll dispatch an ambulance.” The woman on the other end said.

“Er ok its 111 Ashstreet, house five, and please hurry.” I replied quickly.

“We’ll be there soon.” She assured me.

I nodded and hanged up. God I needed to sit down before I pass out, my heart was racing too fast if I didn’t calm down I might faint, I spun around to sit a chair. Where was Brianna when you needed her, she could handle such situations better. I had to call her; I reached for my phone again.

Her number was number two on speed dial, I clicked on it and waited for it to ring, Bruno mars’ song grenade started play close by, I remember Brianna telling me that was her new ring tone, so she was in the house then?

“Brie….” I shouted as I walked towards the sounds, which was coming from the kitchen. “Brie there’s something wr…………” I paused in horror, once again I was hit with another wave of shock, Brianna was lying on the floor, not far from where she lay was a carton of milk which she must have dropped when she fell, most importantly her lower waist was soaked in blood.

The baby! I gasped in horror.

I raced forward, the tears had already began to spill down my cheeks, oh god what was happening to my family, like my dad she had fallen flat on her face, when I turned over, her eyes had also changed from blue to white.

I reached for my phone again and dialed 911. The minute it went through I started to talk quickly before the operator had the chance to say ‘911 what’s your emergency.’

“Please help me….my sister is dying.” I wailed.

“I’m sorry but didn’t you just call us about your father.” The woman on the other end asked.

“Yes but now the same thing is happening to my sister and she’s pregnant and I can see lots of blood, please hurry please they are all I have.” I half sobbed and half pleaded.

She kept telling me to calm down, but how could I calm down when the only family I had in the world was dying.

The ambulance arrived ten minutes later, I watched helplessly as they carried my dad and my half sister into the waiting ambulance, some of our neighbours had gathered around to see what was going on. I wanted to scream at them, those vultures and gossips they didn’t care my dad and sister were dying, they just wanted some hot piece of information so they could gossip among themselves.

“You can follow in that car.” One of the officers on the scene pointed at a police car parked in our drive way.

I nodded and went towards it. On the drive to the hospital all I could do was pray that they would be all right. They made me wait in the waiting area while they took them to the OR. I sat with strangers who were waiting to hear what was happening with their loved ones, I wanted to cry but the tears were stuck in my throat it.

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