The Love Potion - Mom

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Chapter 17 – Mom

The first thing I felt when my eyes opened was a throbbing ache in my stomach; I cried out due the pain, and then heard footsteps rushing towards me.

A few seconds later someone I hadn’t seen in a long time appeared, this person could be me except she was older, the only thing that you could use to tell us apart was our eyes, hers were green and mine was blue.

“Mom?” I whispered. So many emotions flowed through my body when I looked at her, some were happiness, anger, surprise relief and so many more I couldn’t identify.

“Hey kiddo.”  She answered with a wide smile, I remembered that smile, I used to get that anytime I came from school, she would be in the kitchen and the minute she saw me that smile would appear on her face.

I tried to sit up forgetting about the pain in my stomach, halfway in my attempt to sit up I was reminded and was forced to lie back, tears welled up in my eyes as the throbbing ache began once again.

“Honey I’m sorry that I didn’t come earlier, I didn’t know what was happening but don’t worry mommy is going to fix everything and your dad is mixing a potion so as soon as it’s done I can heal your wounds ok.” She cooed at me.

Dad mixing a potion? It sounded unbelievable but I nodded, for several minutes we sat there in silence not sure what to say to each other.

Finally I broke the silence.

“Why did you leave and where did you go.” I asked her, I couldn’t keep the bitterness out of my voice.

She sighed heavily and then got up from the bed and started pacing up and down anxiously, for a moment I thought she wasn’t going to answer my question.

“I had to leave because my lifestyle was beginning to affect this family, I kept on putting all of us in danger and I thought the best thing to would be to leave but obviously I was wrong.” She spoke; I could tell she was scared that if she didn’t give me a reasonable explanation I would hate her.

“Oh” I whispered.

She came back to sit by me, “I know you’re mad and maybe you hate me but if you give me one more chance I promise I’m going to make it up to you and I’m never leaving you again.”

I looked away as I started to cry again, she scooped me up into her arms and whispered soothing words and apologized over and over again.

“Mom dad said you were going fix everything, how are you going to do it, because Zoë is powerful I’ve tried taking her on but she’s too powerful”

At the mention of Zoë’s name a frown spread on my mom’s face and anger gleamed in her eyes. “Ha Zoë.” She spat. “She’s just a level one witch who has learned a couple of tricks; I’m in level fifteen, she’s no match for Me.” she half yelled. As she was speaking, her left eye changed to black and the other one turned yellow.

Even though I knew she wouldn’t hurt me, I was scared; she looked like she could kill you with her looks alone, I sank further into the pillows. My mom was too busy being angry to notice that she was scaring me.

“That stupid witch and her WICCA friends always running around, performing cheap tricks that give us witches and wizards a bad name, I’m gonna make them regret that they touched you.” She continued to rant and then turned around suddenly. “Christina what is wrong with you.” She said when she noticed I was doing my best to go under the sheets.

“You’re - scaring -me -mom.” The words came out one by one.

She came back to sit by me and took my hands, ‘I’m sorry but you know I would never hurt you.” She spoke softly; the smile was back on her face.

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