Twenty eight

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'How was project work with Lew Lew? Did you get it all done? I bet, the two of you-' Bailey started, before being cut off by the brunette brushing past her and dragging herself into her bedroom with her backpack trailing behind her.

Taylor and Jenna quirked their brows, gesturing for Bailey to follow them as they joined Kaycee in her bedroom. 'Hey K, you good?' Jenna spoke up first, fiddling with her fingers as she watched the petite girl using the bck of her sleeve to wipe her nose.

'Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired, that's all. Working on a project ain't easy, you know?' Kaycee fibbed, tucking herself in bed as she laid down comfortably. 'I think I'll just take a quick nap. Wake me up in half an hour?'

The three girls shared a questioning look, nodding solemnly to themselves before taking a seat beside Kaycee's feet.

'Long day, huh?' Bailey started, swirling her tongue  inside her mouth. 'That'd explain the tear stained cheeks and puffy eyes'.

Kaycee shot up from her bed, scowling at the bobbed hair girl. 'You know-I. I just need a nap that's all'.

'K, are you sure you're okay? I don't want to pressure you into talking but it might relieve some stress or bottled up sadness' Taylor said thoughtfully, a smile plastered on her lips.

The brunette sighed heavily, pulling the sheets to cover her body before sitting up straight and playing with the frayed hems of the duvet cover. 'Do you ever just feel upset and disappointed at somebody but even then you-you just can't find it in you to be mad at them?'

Jenna gave her an encouraging smile-a silent gesture for her to continue. 'I'm just so- I'm so sick of acting like there's nothing going on with us but there's like this...this stupid tension and fear. I  can't explain it'.

'Who's us?' Bailey chirped up.

'Me and Sean—Lew and I' Kaycee dabbed her cheeks, biting the inside of her lips as her mind swirled back to the moments they shared in the shack.

'You guys kissed?! Kaycee!' Bailey shrieked, covering her mouth as her eyes lit up. 'I know you were made for each other'.

Taylor slapped the girls thigh, sending her a warning glare. 'Be quiet, Bails'.

'Stop it, Bails. We didn't kiss-that's gross. We just talked' Kaycee whispered. 'And now I feel sick to my stomach'.

'Wat me to make you some soup?' Taylor offered, ready to stand up and leave into their small kitchen. Kaycee shook her head, offering her a smile in return.

'You know, now that you mention it...I don't think I really know the real story between you two' Jenna thought aloud, tapping her chin. 

'Same here-but you don't have to share if you don't want to' Taylor piped in. 

Hearing their support and generosity made Kaycee's heart clench with love for her best friends. She plastered on a fake smile-She had mastered her fake smile, right down to the wrinkles around her eyes. No one ever questioned her except Bailey—who knew her better than anyone, even herself.

The brunette took in a deep breath, a sigh falling from her lips before she spoke up. 'We were friends—I think—for awhile. Maybe, like for two years or so, at around the age of thirteen and fourteen.... but even then our conversations were shallow and like meaningless. But I went with it, anyways'.

Bailey squeezed Kaycee's knee supportively, knowing how the story went and how hard it was for the petite girl to speak about. 'And then like maybe in our first year of high school, he...he talked behind my back-to everyone, and I found out, obviously. But it didn't seem like he cared, at all. Not one bit'.

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