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'I'm actually closing the university up earlier today. Amn't I lucky? You kids will get to go home earlier too' the janitor exclaimed, passing them a packet of sanitary wipes and a roll of tissues. 'We probably only have time to wipe down the desks, so we'll do that, yeah?'

'Cool' Sean nodded his head. 'Thats fine, thanks' he looked over at the brunette who was standing on the opposite side to him, trailing her eyes everywhere but at him.

The janitor glanced between the two, brows scrunched up before leaving with a nod of his head. 'I'll be back in twenty'.

'You want to use the tissues or the wipes' Sean hummed, stretching his arm out to pass the supplies to the girl.

'Either or' she focused her eyes on the ground, reaching her hand out and carefully taking the wipes out of his grasp without accidentally brushing their palms tighter. 'Cool, let's get strated' she brushed right past him, speedily walking to their first classroom.

'You start at the front. I'll do the back' Kaycee gulped, her throat bobbing up and down as she did everything in order to be as far away from him as possible.

'Can't we just do what we usually do?' He questioned, raising one eyebrow.

Kaycee shook her head profusely, turning her back to him. 'Not today, Lew' she whispered, closing her eyes as she tried to get herself together.

After the brief moment the two shared last night, Kaycee's emotions has been messed up and her mind was constantly replaying the way his hands touched her skin delicately. She had thought that it'd go away the next day and hoped that they'd be just back to their usual remarks but to her surprise, he seemed to be acting quiet and flustered, too.

She had repeatedly told herself that it was just her mind paying tricks on her but then her cheeks would heat up and her eyes would soften when he was around-before coming back into reality. And the worst part of it all was that she couldn't tell her friends. Not when, she knew they'd tease her endlessly and make secret romantic jokes whenever he was around.

'So...when are we going to work on the project again?' Sean asked in a whisper, stopping his movements as he looked up at the girl.

Kaycee groaned internally. 'Um-maybe next week?'.

'That's far too late, Rice. It needs to be sometime this week' he sighed, dropping his supplies as he approached the girl.

Kaycee could hear him walking, the sound of his footsteps growing louder until he was standing behind her. 'I'd rather if we didn't do it at my dorm, though' he murmured, pocketing his hands in his hoodie.

'Yeah-uh we could do it at mine' Kaycee offered, slowing her cleaning but not turning around to meet his gaze.

'Cool' he swayed on the spot, suddenly finding the dusty windows of interest. His brain scrammed for something to say, anything to lessen the tension. 'So, we'll be working at your dorm...When exactly?'

'Whenever' she shrugged.

'Is something wrong?'.

Yes. 'Nope-nothing's wrong. Why would you ask that? I'm fine, and even if i wasn't I wouldn't tell you' Kaycee rambled, turning to face him with a cold stare only to be met with a confused face.

'Geez-I was just asking. It's called concern, Rice' he rolled his eyes.

'You don't need to be concerned for me. I'm fine' she croaked out.

'Why can't you be nice for once? I'm trying to be kind, Rice!' He scoffed, flailing his arms around.

'I don't need to be nice to you' Kaycee remarked. 'The last thing I need to do is be nice to you!'.

'Why are you acting like this? You act as if I did something ghostly horrible to you. But I haven't done anything, Rice! All I wanted was to be friends but you seem to remark with insults every time I try'.

Kaycee took a step backwards. 'You wouldn't understand, Lew. And I don't what you, too'.

'So you want to continue to hate me for the rest of your life?'

'As if you even care' Kaycee crossed her arms over her chest.

Sean clenched his jaws. 'I do care! I care a lot actually...' he trailed off. 

Silence fell over them as soon as the word said left his mouth. Kaycee's eyes bulged wide, her mouth hanging open as she stared incredulously at him. As for Sean, he took a step away from the petite girl, biting his bottom lip as he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

'Let's just finish what we started' Kaycee muttered, pressing her tongue to the inside of her left cheek.

Sean blew out a heavy breath but followed her instructions anyways. 'Okay'.


'All done and we're closing up for the night. It's gonna be hard getting back to my usual routine once you kids finish up helping around here' The janitor smiled, swinging his set of keys on his finger.

Kaycee smiled in return, discreetly looking over at Sean who was staring at the ground. 'Yeah' she hummed.

'I know it's not fun cleaning and all and this was probably the last thing either of you wanted to do. But you might get something worth more than experience once it over'. Kaycee's brows furrowed to meet in the middle. The janitor took this as a hint to continue. 'All I'm saying is, sometimes you get what you least expect. And what you least expect is what your heart desires'. Sean lifted his head up, nodding silently at the old man. 

'That's enough knowledge for today, I think. This is why I'm not a teacher here' he chortled. 'I'm doing my brain in'.

A soft giggle escaped Kaycee's lips, saying a quick 'goodbye' to the man before the two grabbed their belongings and headed out o their journey back home.

'Uh-I'm sorry for raising my voice before' Sean whispered, his voice muffled by the sounds of the leaves rustling in the winter breeze.

Kaycee took a minute to figure out what she heard was correct before responding. 'It's my fault too, you know?'. Sean nodded his head, pulling his hood over his head before pushing his hands inside his jacket pockets.

'You're actually driving me crazy' a dry chuckle fell from his lips. 'And don't ask what that means because I don't think I even know'.

Kaycee giggled. 'You really are something else, Lew' she looked up at him, a smile etched on his lips. 

'By something else, do you mean an asshole or a dick?' He laughed, drawing the inside of his lips between his teeth.

'I guess...both'

AN| Hey guys! How are y'all? 

I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter! Ngl, I think it's my least favourite one lmao.

Also, I know that my updating schedule has been pretty bad this week but hopefully this doesn't continue. Thank you guys so much for all of your support. I love you all so much.

QOTD: What would make your younger self proud of you now? (This goes for all my QOTD'S but you do not have to publicly answer any of these questions if you don't want to.) Something I've done that'd make my younger self proud is definitely writing these wattpad books. 


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Love you guys,


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