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'Tell me. Tell me' Bailey squealed, after the bedroom door opened and in walked Kaycee. 'What'd you guys do?'

'I dunno. Maybe work on our project?' Kaycee replied dumbly, rolling her eyes before jumping on the bed beside the girl. 'Where's Tay and Jenna?'

'Asleep. Fell asleep after dinner'. Kaycee nodded her head understandingly. 'So tell me, how it went'.

'What do you wanna know? We just worked on the project and then I left' the brunette summarized shortly.

'So no kissing? No cuddling? What kind of date was that?!' Bailey gasped, shaking her head as she wrapped her arm around the brunettes shoulders.

'It's-I. Never mind, I'm done telling you off' Kaycee bounced her shoulders to move Baileys arm. 'Like I thirty times, it wasn't a date'.

Bailey pushed her bottom lip out, batting her lashes apologetically at the girl before an imaginary light bulb flickered over herhead and she raised a finger up. 'Talking about dates, though...guess who got date with Ken?' The girl paused before talking again. 'Me!' She exclaimed.

'Really? That's great, Bails' Kaycee took Baileys hand in hers, giving it a light squeeze with her beaming smile.

'I know. I know. I'm so excited, K. I can't wait' She babbled, lying dreamily on her back with her eyes gleaming as if she was staring at the boy. Kaycee copied her actions-without the gleaming eyes-as she turned over to face the girl.

There was a calm silence before Kaycee piped up.

'Bails, do you think I'm going soft?' She blurted out. Bailey leaned on her elbows, brows scrunched up in confusion.

'What makes you ask that? You're always soft and smiley' Bailey smiled.

'But like more than usual. And around others. Do you think I'm going soft around other people?' Kaycees lips dipped down into frown, a sigh escaping her lips. 

'Maybe. I don't know, to be honest...but it's not a bad thing if you are'. Kaycee hummed in response. 

'Okay, thanks...I think I'm gonna take a shower' Kaycee heaved herself up, rising on her feet as she approached her wardrobe on the left hand-side.

Bailey gave her a weak and confused smile, patting the brunettes back. Of course, as the girl's best friend, Bailey would ever let anything happen to her or let anyone hurt her. But a little teasing was always their thing, and she couldn't miss an opportunity like this.

'What were you and Sean doing, that you need to shower now?' She smirked, leaving before she received a smack or two from the petite girl.

'Bailey Sok?!' Kaycee shouted, clenching her jaws as she slammed her bedroom door shut. 'Just wait till I meet Ken' she warned, grabbing her new set of clothes as she entered her bathroom.

She quickly undressed herself, toes flinching as she touched the chilled ceramic floor. Steam filling the room as she cut the shower on. She bathed her skin lightly, lathering her body with soap.  After she finished, she speedily pulled her clothes on, wrapping her arms around her body as she jumped back into her bed with a soft thump. 

'Comfy' she said to herself, as she snuggled under her covers. She relaxed her body, her fingers wrapped around the duvet as she allowed her mind to wander. 


'Stop, Josh. It's not funny' Sean groaned, burying his face into his hands as the latter laughed audibly loud at him. 'It's your fault!'.

'Just wait till I tell Jules this tomorrow, oh and Josh.' Josh Beaucamp laughed, patting the boys back.

'He could have said anything- literally anything-and he tells me to crawl up chickens ass to get laid' At this point, Sean had grabbed the pillow behind him, covering his flushed face as he pounded his fists into it.

'He was drunk, you can't blame him'

'I'm not blaming him, I'm blaming you. You were supposed to watch over him' Sean snapped, pointing an accusing finger at Josh B.

'Hey, if a guy needs a toilet break, he needs a toilet break' Josh rose his hand in surrender..

'Josh!' Sean mumbled, dragging a hand down his pink face. He opened his mouth to say more,before the door swung open and in appeared Julian hanging dazily beside Josh P.

'Some help would be nice' Josh P grumbled, as the other Josh was immediately at his side and helped bring Julian towards Sean's bed.

'Hey man!' Julian slurred, patting Sean's knee. Sean smiled to acknowledge him, before letting him rest and fall asleep.

'What's got you so bogged down? Didn't Rice please you enough?' Josh P teased, as he sat comfortably on Sean's bed.

A yelp, a sort of shriek fell from Sean's lips as he covered his ears. 'Shut up! My ears!' He gasped.

Josh P rolled his eyes. 'Seriously, though. You look like you wanna kill someone'.

'That's cuz Jules told him that he needs to crawl up a chickens butt to get front of Kaycee' Josh B informed him with a nod of his head.

Josh's eyes widened, biting the inside of his lip as he tried to suppress a laugh that was bubbling in his throat. 'Oh, yikes' he mumbled, fighting the urge to laugh with Sean's glare set deadly on him.

'It's not funny, guys. She probably thinks I'm some crazy ass boy' Sean groaned, flailing his arms around.

'First of all, you are. And secondly, why do you care what she thinks? It's not like you two are actually friends'.

His stomach twisted, a sort of nauseous feeling settling in as he plastered a fake smile onto his face. 'Yeah, yeah. I know' he shrugged. 'I think I'm gonna take an early sleep in. Night, guys' his voice almost sounded pleading, practically urging them to leave.

Josh P took the sign first, gesturing for Josh B to help him carry Julian out of Sean's room. 'Night, Sean'. They left with a smile on their faces, a more sympathetic looking one rather than a bright one.

A sigh fell from Sean's lips, sitting up straighter in his bed. 'You're messing me up, Rice' he grumbled, rubbing his eyes.

He shook his head, clearing all thoughts he had of her but it almost seemed impossible, as with every memory that disappeared a new one seemed to enter.

'Fuck you, Rice'


Hey guys! How are y'all doing?

I hope you enjoyed today's chapter! Ik it's pretty short but I wanted a chapter just for S&K and their friends, but it didn't end up coming out too well.

QOTD: Well, it's Sunday, so time to uplift everyone. So, make sure to comment positive things and brighten someone else's day.


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Love you guys,


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