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'She looks nice' Taylor whispered into Kaycees ear as everyone from her year filed into the hall. It was a basic room, brown wood-like walls, a stage at the far back with a red opening show curtain dangling down and seats and more seats all neatly placed in the room.

Kaycee rose a brow, shaking her head. 'That's the sub I was telling you about' she giggled, discretely glancing over at the professor-one hand on her hip while the other hand was clenched in a fist as if she was imagining that she was holding a stick. Only Bailey and Kaycee had gotten the 'opportunity' to be stuck in one of her classes.

'She looks nice, though' Jenna piped up, bouncing her shoulders up.

'In what world does she look nice? She looks like a hawk preying on a baby chick' Kaycee exclaimed. 'And trust me, she's hungry'.

The girls beside her let out a laugh, punching the brunettes shoulder softly. 'I'll take your word for it' Jenna smiled.

'Quiet please and thank you!' what looked like the head of all professors announced. She used her hands as a gesture to shush everyone down before projecting an animation onto the white board. 'This month is science month, and all you lucky students majoring in science will get the opportunity to present a science project' she started.

At the full realisation that the students would have to do additional work, a groan fell past their lips followed by a couple of eye rolls. 

The lead professor tilted her head to the side, a smile ready to break out. Her lips widened into a brilliant grin. Kaycee caught a glimpse of the sub. Her mouth twitched, and she was fairly certain that the 'old' lady was fighting a smile.

'Anyhow, the full details will be explained in class. But just a few notes: you will be working in pairs which will be assigned by your teacher. You will have two weeks to complete this project. And it will be submitted to the state science fair. Thank you!'

The professors standing at each sides of the room all ushered everyone out, pleading for everyone to leave in an orderly fashion which they didn't follow. 

'What a waste of time' Bailey muttered, checking her watch. 'We came all this way to sit down for five minutes'.

'And they could have just told that to us in class' Jenna added. Kaycee nodded her head, her face turned to the side as she giggled along with her friends. 

She felt herself laughing one second before her body bumped into someone else and the next thing she knew, she was falling back. Time disorted for half a second, as she opened her arms to hold onto anything but only ended up crashing down lone onto the wooden floor. 

'Watch where you're going, Rice' a voice snarled. Kaycee placed her palm against the back of her head. Hazily, she could make out a hand offering to help her up, and she stretched her arm out only to realise who it was as she instantly pulled it back.

'Shut up, Lew' she groaned, heaving herself up.

'You okay, K?' Bailey was at her side, rubbing her back.

'She looks like she got hit by a truck but...then again she looks like that everyday' the boy joked, his chest bouncing as he laughed.

Kaycee gritted her teeth. 'It could be worse. I could be you'.

Sean rolled his eyes-something he did far too often in her presence. 'Well at least-'

'Jesus, could you two just quit it for two minutes?! You're freaking adults. You're not ten or eleven anymore. You're grown up and bickering like there's no end' Bailey stepped in, taking Kaycee hand. If it weren't for Baileys smile, Kaycee would have thought that the girl was genuinely mad. 'Please, K. You could try talking nicely to each other. That's an idea'

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