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 'Stop. It's not funny anymore-not that it ever was. How many times do I have to tell you guys that it isn't a date? There's nothing romantic about working on a science project' Kaycee groaned, stomping her feet on her dorm floor like a child.

'I guess you could say that you two are gonna have a lot of chemistry' Taylor teased, laughing at her own joke.

'First of all it's a biology project. And second of all, I'm leaving, you guys are driving me insane!'

'Are you leaving cuz we're diving you crazy or because you want to spend extra time with Sean?' Jenna joked, only to stop when she was sent a set of death stares her way.

'You guys are actually the worst, just go to sleep, will you?' Kaycee huffed, pushing her three best friends into their separate rooms.

'Working on a project. If that doesn't scream dates tings then I don't know what does' Bailey said dreamily,  as she ignored the gritting of Kaycee's teeth.

'Just go to sleep. I'll be back at nine'

'Nine? What are you guys gonna-' Taylor started before the brunette rose a brow and pushed her fingers onto her lips.

'Enough talking, more walking'. The girls obliged-walking out-but not before sending the brunette puckered lips and kissy faces. Kaycee shook her head with laughter-she could never be mad at them-before making her way out of her dorm and to the address the boy had given her.

The walk was surprisingly short, and she was sort of shocked to find out that he lived close by. A few more steps, and she could see her partner waiting at the front door of his dorm,

'You're late' Sean hummed, his leg crossed over the other as he leaned against the doorframe with his phone in his hand.

'Better to arrive early than ugly' she replied. Sean rolled his eyes, pocketing his phone.

'Are you gonna come inside, then?' Sean asked, staring at the girl who was focused on the her -close to-untied laces. She lightly nodded her head, following Sean inside.

'Hey Kaycee!' A voice slurred and she was as met with Julian's red and puffy eyes.

'Just ignore him, he's drunk' Sean t'sked at his friend who was lying aimlessly on the floor, singing songs quietly to himself.

The living room wasn't necessarily messy enough to call it a trash hole but it wasn't neat enough to call pristine either. It was somewhere in the middle. Empty Bottles on one side of the room, and packets of ready sated crisps on the couch with the crumbs crushed all over the carpet.

'It's not usually this messy' Sean spoke up after seeing the girl change her attention between the bottles to the crisps.

'Whatever you say, Lew' she murmured. 

Kaycee followed Sean, not knowing quite what to expect. He kicked his door open, muttering a quick 'this is my room' as the two entered. 

The bedroom was furnished on a high budget but if was full of more warmth than Kaycee had seen in so many years. On the back wall was a mural, a tree with every colour of fall leaf imaginable and a few more beside it. On the pine bed with a tall mattress, was a hand embroidered orange cover. 

From every wall smiled black and white photographs of-who she presumed was-Sean as a child with his mother, his father and sisters. She had spent so much time living away, from her own home that she had become unaccustomed to these little touches. 

Sean took a step forward, pulling his curtains open. As the curtains brushed over to the side, the branches of trees and a thick layer of snow revealed itself, setting a cool winter theme within the room.

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