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'We actually did more than I expected' Kaycee nodded her head approvingly at the folder of the work they had completed during their combined study. 'Too bad, we can't work on it anymore in class'.

'You mean I? I did all the work' Sean joked.

Kaycee snapped her head to face him, glaring at him with clenched jaws. 'At least I don't need to crawl up a chickens ass' she snickered, sticking her tongue childishly at him.

Sean opened his mouth to retort, but his jaw had dropped to the floor in embarrassment. His skin slowly turned from it's normal complexion to a shade to rival a ripe strawberry. He bit his lips, fiddling with his fingers before he turned around and drummed his fingers on the table. 'We don't talk about that' he sighed, dragging a hand down his face.

'Oh, I will. Anything to keep you feeling embarrassed forever'.

Sean glared at her. 'I'm not telling everyone how you blush every second of the day...' he trailed off, sending her an evil look. 'So, unless you want everyone to know that. Then I suggest, keeping your pretty mouth shut!'.

After the mention of 'pretty' mouth, Kaycee had forgotten everything else he had said and her tongue seemed to have been tied.

'Mr. Lew and Ms. Rice, do we have a problem?' The sub teacher clapped her hands together, the sound bouncing of the walls before the two students diligently but frightfully turned to face the old lady. 

'No, miss. We were just having a bit of disagreement. It's all sorted now' Kaycee gulped, her throat bobbing up and down. How the teacher made her act like this was beyond her and everyone in the uni's knowledge.

'Good. I wouldn't want to write your names down for disrupting my class' she smiled crookedly.

Kaycee and Sean nodded their heads, their lips twitched in a forced smile as they bent their heads down to look like they were working.

'Well done, Rice' Sean whispered, making sure to keep his voice as level as everyone else's.

Kaycee rolled her eyes, making sure to exaggerate it so that he would get the hint. 'Sometimes I need things, only you can provide me' she started, clicking her pen. 'Your fucking absence.'

'Hell should be easy after having to deal with you' he scoffed.

'Hey, at least we're in agreement where you're going after you die' Kaycee remarked. 'Besides, sometimes you just gor to be the Beauty and The beast'.

'Too bad, no ones ever seen you be the beauty'.

Kaycee gritted her teeth, her eyes squinting before she took in a deep breath. 'By no one do you just mean yourself? Cause surely, I'd never dress up or do anything to impress you, and you know that'.

Her words rang in his ears for what felt like an eternity before he focused on the assigned work ahead of him. 'Biology sucks' he muttered under his breath, leaning his head into the palm of his hand. Kaycee chose not to reply-not that he was excepting her to. 

'For homework, please complete the rest of the worksheet and write your own reflection, including a detailed answer on what you thought of the experiment' the sub announced. Unlike usual, she quickly packed up all of her belongings, stacking her sheets onto a pile and pushing all of her heavier and larger items into her work bag. 'Goodbye'.

Sean let out a sigh of relief-it was finally lunch time. He smiled to himself before flicking through the worksheet and almost fainting at the sight. 'There's twelve pages left. Back to back. Does she seriously expect us to do all this?' Sean gasped, trying to wrap his head around it.

'I mean, probably. That's what she assigned as homework, right?' Kaycee shrugged.

Sean buried his face into his hands, groaning loudly-his voice drowned by the sounds of the students who were alll leaving the classroom for their lunch.

'Hey K' a voice chirped. Sean peeked his head up, met by a girl with familiar dark brown eyes and a bobbed hair cut.

'Hey. I was just packing up' Kaycee smiled widely back at her, her lips stretching on for miles-to Sean's surprise.

Bailey cocked her head to the side. 'Could Ken sit with us?'.

'Dunno why you're asking me' Kaycee giggled, unknowingly causing butterflies to erupt in the boy's-sitting beside her-stomach. 

'Just making sure you're fine with it' 

'Couldn't be happier. Just wait 'til I tell him all of your baby stories' Kaycee cooed.

'Do not! I will kill you, K' Bailey warned, rising fearfully on her toes. Kaycee stood up ready to leave with Bailey by her side. She had presumed that Ken was either at the lockers or was going to meet them at the caefeteria. 

Bailey gestured for her to go, and with a swift turn of her heels they were on their way out. Until, she remembered somhing important, and she turned back to Sean.

'Lew? We're working on the project at my dorm' She reminded him. Sean sent her a weak thumbs up, his mind replaying her laugh over and over again.

'Uh no, he's isn't' Bailey piped up, her brows creased. 'Ken's coming over tonight to work on our project'.

'And? Ours is more important. I don't think the teacher will find an interest in hearing your sex stories' Kaycee replied, fixing the straps on her school bag. 

'It's not-I. Seriously K. Not today. Please' Bailey pleaded, batting her lashes.

'Not trying to be rude, but after last night, I don't think I want anyone over' Sean mumbled, approaching the two girls. 'And for the first time it's nor Rice's fault' he said, hinting to the comment Julian had made last night.

'See, Bails. We'll have nowhere to go' Kaycee turned to face the girl.

'Please, K. I promise I'll make it up to you. You'll work something out'.

'We could do it at the coffee store? Or the library? Or at the pastry store down the road' Sean suggested, his heart beating at the speed of lightning. It was as if it was almost searching for her laughter, waiting for it to randomly pop out.

'Pastry store? Count me in' Kaycee raised her hands up, a smile creeping it's way onto her face at the mere thought of several delicious pastries sitting in front of her.

'Thanks K' Bailey ruffled the top of the girls head. 'Kens there, I'll see you at the cafeteria'.

'I'll see you there at seven?' Sean questioned, awkwardly rocking on his feet. 

Kaycee hummed in response. 'At seven' she repeated, glancing up to already meet his gaze on her.

'So' he trailed of, sucking in a breath.

'So...' Kaycee nodded her head, her eyes shifting focus from his face to his hands after his gaze became too much for her.

'I'll see you at seven, then. Bye' he gave her a weak smile-either because he felt so awkward or because the girl was unconsciously setting fireworks to go off in his body. 

'Bye Lew...'. And as soon as he was out of earshot and her sight, she kicked the wooden leg of the teachers desk. 

'What are you doing to me, Lew?'


Hey guys! How are y'all?

I hope you had a great day and enjoyed reading this!

QOTD: Whats the greatest thing about being you? Hmm... I had to think about this one for awhile, but I think the greatest thing about being me is that I'm really calm and in a way carefree (to a certain extent). 


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