Thirty one

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'Stupid laces' Kaycee grumbled, kneeling down on the floor as she re-tied her sneakers for what felt like the hundredth time that day.

'Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed' Taylor chuckled, kneeling down beside the girl as she assisted the brunette in tying her shoes laces.

'I'm not a kid, Tay' Kaycee whined, a pout forming on her lips.

'You might as well be seeing how awful your shoe tying skills are at' the latter joked, tying one shoes' lace before allowing Kaycee to do the other one.

'I bet it's Sean's doing. Am I right? You were definitely flustered when you got back home last night' Bailey piped in, a smirk creepin its way onto her lips.

A rosy shade of blush instantly made their way into her cheeks, before she forced it down by thinking of anything but him.

She suddenly became very interested in her shoes. She studied how the smooth, round laces zig-zagged back and forth. How the ends were fraying and the aglet was worn. She gripped the laces and yanked them tighter before firmly retying her shoes. She ran her finger over the smooth black check mark on the side, the Nike symbol. The entire time, she pretended she didn't hear what Bailey was saying.

'Stop teasing her, Bails' Jenna laughed, rolling her eyes at her best friends. Bailey looked quizzically at the girl, to which Jenna shrugged with a small shake of her head.

'I was definitely not flustered. Just hot, that's all' The brunette tried, heaving herself up and adjusting her school bag on her back.

'Totally, you were hot when it was literally freezing outside. What a believable lie, K' Bailey laughed playfully. The petite girl just scoffed in remark, crossing her arms above her chest as she stomped off into the school building. 

'How does she not see that he likes her?' Jenna shook her head. Bailey and Taylor could only shake their heads as they followed closely behind Kaycee before separating to their respective classes.

Meanwhile on the other side of the front yard stood the boys, sitting on top of the tables and resting their feet on the benches.

'What do you think, Sean?' Julian questioned, tapping the latter on his shoulder.

'Oh-I'm sorry, what were you saying?' 

Julian couldn't help but roll his eyes, nudging Sean's shoulders. 'You're completely out of it, today'.

'I was just thinking about something' Sean sighed, focusing his eyes back to the floor. Ever since, last night his mind had become a maze, thoughts filled only about her. A slight feeling of hope rose in his chest at the thought of her not pulling away from his forehead kiss, not cursing him after he had done it. It had made him believe, that maybe, just maybe she had grown to enjoy his presence, his warmth. 

'About what, though?' Josh B piped in, wrapping his fingers around his bag strap.


'It's Rice. I bet you hundred dollars that it's about Rice. Did you see him when he got home? He looked all dazed and he definitely had love eyes' Josh P commented, receiving a cold stare from the latter.

'I thought they were there to clean, not make-out' Julian snickered, leaning back slightly.

'We did not—shut up, Jules...' he groaned, covering his red tinted cheeks with his hands. A frustrated breath fell from his lips, as he threw his bag in his back. 'I'm going to get to class. I'll see y'all later'.

'Rice is really getting to him, huh?' Josh B started, drumming his finger on the table.

'I think so'.

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