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'Remind me again why you'll be late back at the dorm tonight' Taylor thought aloud, the group of friends walking to their next classes.

Kaycee groaned. 'Because we weren't paying attention. It's his fault for being so fucking annoying'

'Really?' Bailey rosw a brow, nudging Kaycee's shoulder playfully. 'It looked like the two of you were flirting-I mean bickering with each other. You're to blame too, K'

'Excuse me? Flirting? I'm to blame? Who's side are you on?!' Kaycee stomped her feet against the Uni grounds, receiving a few questioning glares from the people walking past her. 'It's his fault'

'Whatever you say' Jenna laughed.The girl pointed at the door they werr standing in front of. 'That's my class. Got to go' the girls all bid her goodbye.

'And that's my class' Taylor pointed at the classroom down the far corridor, as she too left Bailey and Kaycee to go to their own classroom.

'So what's your project idea?' Kaycee asked, her fingers wrapped around the the straps of her bag.

'I'm not sure yet. Well, Ken and I had a few ideas but we're not sure yet'

Kaycee laughed. 'You should do the effect of kissing on a body. I'm sure you and Ken would be lovely test subjects'.

Bailey opened her mouth to speak, but shut it again knowing how croaky her sentence would end up coming put. 'Stop it, K' she brushed her off, pointing to their biology class door as a distraction. 'Let's just go inside'.

Kaycee followed slowly behind her, surprised to see her partner already sitting on his chair. 'Hey!' He smiled, but he didn't lift his head up from his desk and his eyes were fully focused on the phone in his hand.

'Hi?' She replied, slightly confused as to why he had a chirpy tone towards her, as she set her bag down onto the floor. He hummed back in reply, not bothering to answer her questioning face. 

'Project work starts now!' The teacher entered the room. Her voice bellowed across the walls of the classroom and Kaycee was starting to question whether the sub held around an invisible speaker wherever she went. The sub made eye contact with Kaycee, giving her a side eye with a half smile before turning around.

'Lew?' Kaycee mumbled, drumming her fingers on the wooden table. He lifted his head up, pocketing his phone quickly.

'What?' He asked dumbly. 'Have you finally decided whether or not you want to do my idea?'

Kaycee rolled her eyes. 'I did make a decision. And as much as I hate to agree with you, let alone do your idea, it ain't half bad'

'Was that a compliment?' Sean's ear perked upwards, a smile ready to break out onto his lips.

'No' Kaycee crossed her arms on the desk. 'I just-just shut up'.

'I will not be silenced' Sean shrugged his shoulders, a cheeky smile plastered on his face. 

'I will not be silenced' Kaycee mimicked in a high pitch voice. 


The janitor had that look of somebody who expected greatness from life and had ended up being sorely disappointed. According to schoolyard gossip and the queens, he had worked in the Uni for over 28 years now. How they know that was beyond Kaycee.

The janitor fumbled his keys. His fingers were numbed by the breezy, wintry wind and his mind exhausted from cleaning day in and day out until the dawn light kissed the clouds.  After some minutes of jabbing the metal key in sharp motions he dimly recalled the school keys looking different and he fumbled in his cover-all pockets for another set. He pulled out a large set of keys, all tied together with a worn out piece of string. 

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