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'So how was working with Sean? Never thought I'd live to see the day' Bailey joked, sitting down on the cafeteria bench alongside her friends.

'You and Sean worked together? How? When?' Taylor gasped, choking on her sandwich as Jenna patted her back. Jenna handed her a bottle of water which she took gratefully, still recovering from the news.

'Don't even remind me. It was the worst experience of my life' Kaycee grunted, peeling her orange. 'He's so gross'.

'You sound like a little girl' Jenna joked, a playful smile on her face as she sent Bailey a knowing smile.

'If you ever had to work with him you'd know what I mean' Kaycee replied, aggressively peeling around the orange.

'I have worked with him. And he's quite smart actually' Taylor piped up, her eyes still as large as saucers.

'Smart? Dumb maybe, but definitely not smart. He'd actually need to know things to be a smart ass. He's just an ass' Kaycee remarked, shaking her head as she thought back to their experiment.

Jenna shook her head. 'Bails, how long has this been going on?'

Bailey counted her fingers before she spoke up. 'Approximately ten years now'

'Damn. When will it end, K?' Taylor asked in disbelief.

'Never. I'm never gonna like him.' Kaycee said sternly, her lips pulled down in an obvious frown. She averted her friends' longing gazes as she scanned her eyes around the university cafeteria. You'd think it'd be more posh and different to a high school one. But for Kaycee, she couldn't even tell the difference.

The cafeteria was like a cemetery for food. Grey colours covered the counters. It covered the tables. And of course, it peeled at the edges revealing blackened sticky plywood beneath. The servers would have done well in a funeral home for all the smiling they did. The food had a greyish quality - washed out and overcooked. The vegetables were mush, the meat was chewy and the puddings were dry. The uni students filed past, and even though their stomachs rumbled, they were as enthusiastic as slaughterhouse pigs.

To describe the school cafeteria and it's food was like describing your favourite shade of graphite pencil. In the end it really didn't matter what you asked for or what you wanted, you'd get the same over-cooked grey offering on it's grey plate with it's grey taste.

'So you're just going to continue hating him for some stupid reason?' Bailey asked incredulously.

'Stupid reason? The only reason I don't like him is because he's a stuck up bitch. He's got nothing better to do than drive me mad' Kaycee retorted.

Bailey could feel the tension rising, she mentally rose her hands in surrender, her lips widening in a straight smile. 'Well, then...what about you guys? Any boys?' She changed the topic, laughing awkwardly.

Taylor flushed red, unconsciously twirling the ends of her hair-something she always did when she was flustered or nervous. Or both. 'Not me' she gulped, taking a large bite from her apple.

Jenna and Bailey both glared at her knowingly. 'Spill it Tay' the both said in unison. Kaycee still hadn't turned to face them, instead analyzing each and every student that queued up in the cafeteria line-Most likely the newbies, whom had no clue what the food tasted like. Her lips tugged to the side, resting her head on her hand as she scowled at the queens entering the cafeteria with a hair flick.

The attention seeking gesture nearly made her puke. She subconsciously scowled at the girls and their overly expensive attire before she finally decided to turn back and listen to her friends..

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