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'This is for you, kids' the janitor passed Sean a bucket half way filled with water. 'Don't want any more spillage, do we?' He chuckled. And as if someone turned the internal heating system in Sean's body on, his skin flushed pink with embarrassment.

'Oh-um thank you' he wrapped his fingers around the slim handle, ignoring the small, quiet giggles coming from a brunette who had an accusing finger pointed in his direction.

'I'll see you lot in a bit. And up I go' the janitor smiled, carrying his usual cleaning supplies with him as he trudged upstairs. 

As soon as the old man was out of earshot, Sean snapped his head around to glare at the petite girl. She could have been giggling quietly or even been rolling on the floor laughing but either or Sean didn't like the laughs of amusement leaving her lips. 'What are you, twelve?' He scoffed, picking up the bucket of water and walking down the opposite end of the corridor where Kaycee stood.

'Mhm' she hummed. 'On a scale of one to ten, I am in fact a twelve' she bit the inside of her lip to suppress further laughter but his evil glare only set her off further-as she clutched her stomach gently.

'You're an asshole, you know?'

'At least I have an ass' Kaycee remarked, holding onto the sides of the lockers to hold herself up. Sean blew out a heavy breath, shaking his head as he took a step closer to the petite girl.

'I hope you choke on all that shit you talk' he squinted his eyes, glaring at the girl who simply had a smile plastered on her lips. For the first time-in Sean's opinions-their roles were reversed. She was smiling and he was retorting. 

'Is your drama going to have an intermission soon? I'm getting tired of your lame insults' Kaycee faked a yawn, blinking her eyes.

'What the f-I'm the drama? It's you!' Sean yelled, unknowingly cornering the girl between the lockers and his body. 'You're the one who always starts the arguments and 'fighting'.' He took a step closer, unconsciously setting Kaycees body on fire.

Kaycee frowned, gritting her teeth against each other. 'Chill out, L-Lew. Weren't you the one who told me-me to l-loosen up?'. Although her frown portrayed anger and disgust, her rosy cheeks told Sean something else. 

Sean released his clenched fists-ones he didn't know he was even holding- before taking a step closer, their faces inches apart. 'You're a lot prettier up close with your big mouth shut' he whispered, the long ends of his hair tickling her forehead. He smirked down at her.

It took Kaycee a gulp and two blinks to come back into reality and push Sean's body away from hers. 'Don't stand so close to me, Lew.' She snarled.

'It seemed like you enjoyed it' he teased, pointing at her rosy cheeks. 'You're blushing every day now because of me'.

'Am fucking not. You're hallucinating, get back to work' she snapped her fingers, shuffling ro the opposite side of the corridor before mentally cursing herself  for being momentarily flustered by him.

The two worked silently on opposite ends of  the hallways, dusting, mopping, sweeping, wiping-you name it-before finally meeting in the middle and sliding down the wall tired. 

'Why did that seem like so much more work than usual?' Sean breathed out, brushing his fingers through his hair. 

Kaycee shrugged her shoulders, bringing her knees up to her chest. 'Maybe cause you were actually cleaning this time'.

'Excuse me? What's that supposed to mean?' Sean huffed incredulously.

'Just saying, from what I see when you clean you miss a lot of spots and all. Maybe you actually cleaned properly for once'.

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