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'I'm going to be coming around and checking where everyone is at with their projects. I'm expecting you to have at least gathered some information and created a plan on what will be detailed in this project of yours' the sub announced, hands crossed behind her back.

The students all briskly nodded their heads. Each and everyone of them pulled out a folder of work, skimming through the pages as they quickly rehearsed what they'd say to the teacher when she'd come around and asked them questions. To be honest, Kaycee had never seen the whole class working so hard without missing a single day of work.

All expect her and Sean.

'What are we going to do, Miss. know-it-all? Since you're apparently the boss, I'd like to see what you're going to do now' Sean huffed, leaning his head on his hand.

'I don't know. It was your idea. You should know something, right?' Kaycee tried, panic rising on her face as the teacher walked around each partner.

'But it's our project. You hear that, Rice? Ours' Sean replied, elaborating the importance of the word 'our'.

'So Miss. Rice and Mr. Lew. How is your project work going?' The teacher spoke, standing sternly by Sean's side. Kaycee bit the inside of her lip, nudging Sean's side.

'It's going...well' he gulped, his throat bobbing up and down. An obvious sign that he was nervous. 

'Where's your materials? Any surveys conducted? Where's your project folder?' The sub rambled, laying her hand on top of each other in the wooden table.

'It's-uh. We- we're still t-trying to gather more information' Kaycee spoke up, plastering a fake smile on her face.

'And what's your topic idea?' 

Sean glanced over at Kaycee. 'The effect of music on your body' he mumbled, straightening his posture-as if that'd make the sub move away.

'And would you be talking about the consequences as well?' The sub asked, raising a brow. Kaycee's brows furrowed into a frown.

'The consequences? Sorry, I don't think I understand' Kaycee whispered.

'I mean, for starters. Did you kids think about the consequences of creating a puddle of water in the corridors last night?' She questioned, leaning forwards. If it were anyone else, Sean and probably Kaycee too, would have been able to lie their way out of this situation, but this wasn't anyone. 

This was the hawk eye, stern teacher who looked like she wasn't afraid to snatch a stick and slap you.

'Oh...right' Kaycee said dumbly.

'It was an accident. I accidentally tipped over a bucket of water. Sorry' Sean murmured. He could feel the stares of all his classmates until the sub looked up at them and they all went straight back to work.

'Well. I don't want a repititon of last night, okay?'. Kaycee and Sean nodded their heads, smiling -obviously-fake at the sub as she walked away.

'She scares the shit outta me' Sean released a sigh of relief that he didn't even know he was holding.

'That's one thing we can agree on' 

Sean glanced down at his folder, pulling out a sheet of paper. 'Okay then, Rice. We should probably start on this. We actually have nothing done' he chuckled.

'Cool. Let's get started' she responded.

'Why are you so-what's the word? Emotionless? Laugh a little, Rice' Sean poked her arm gently-which she obviously pulled away from him. 'You know, laughters the best medicine'.

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