Twenty Five

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'Five minutes late! Is there any reason why you're late to my class?' The teacher bellowed as a poor girl stood by the door, fear written all over her face.

Her watery eyes enlarged and the hairs on the nape of her neck bristled. A gaggle of goose pimples laminated her frigid, naked skin. She tried to reply and give a believable excuse but the inside of her mouth lacked any moisture and a croak was all that issued from her gape. 

'Sorry, miss. I slept in' she bowed her head down in embarrassment, rocking on her spot as she waited for the teacher to excuse her and assign her back to her seat.

'This is university, you're not five anymore. Sleeping in is not an excuse. Get to your  seat. The rest of the class will be delighted to hear that we'l be continuing with a biology essay this class because of your disturbance' she yelled, frightening the girl as she scurried to her seat.

There were a few groans but most knew that they probably would have done the essay with or without a student being late.

'She's not in a good mood, huh?' Sean whispered, swirling his tongue inside his mouth.

'She never is' Kaycee sighed. 'Except that one day we went on a walk. But I'm seriously starting to think she has a twin or something'.

A quiet chuckle fell from Sean's lips as he hummed in response.

'I'm going to leave for five minutes to print our a couple sheets and I don't wanna hear a single complaint from other professors. Got it?' The teacher rose a brow, stacking her sheets of papers in a neat pile before making her way to the door. 'Quiet chatter and it should be related to this class. You can talk about relationships and gossip in your break time'.

Sean drummed his fingers on the wooden table before turning to face the brunette, a smile etched widely on his pink lips. 'So...biology' he started.

Kaycee scrunched her face up. 'I don't think there's a worse class'.

'I mean, we could have been stuck in like dance or something together. So if you think about it, biology ain't that bad' he chortled.

'I'd way rather do dance. Why did I even choose bio? You just learn about genes, and plants-and herbs and shrubs. It's so bori-'

'I'm pretty sure they all mean the same thing' he quirked a brow.


'Herbs, shrubs and plants are the same thing, Rice' he stated, leaning his face into the palm of his hand. 

'Well-no. Kind of-I mean I guess they are but...just forget it' she huffed, feeling annoyed at herself for firstly not having a good insult in return for him and secondly because he corrected her.

'God. You're too pretty to be this stupid'.

Kaycee's cheeks were suddenly kissed pink like a spring rose, the blooming colour so cute against her pale skin-at least Sean thought that. She looked away and found a distraction at her hoodie, playing with the drawstrings. Sean leaned back, allowing her time to compose herself, fighting back the smile that wanted to so eagerly break out. 

'Okay-thanks? I guess...maybe' she fiddled with her fingers, for once wishing that the bickering  teacher would just enter and start the lesson promptly.

'You know I mean it-' Sean tried, but ended being cut off with the door flying open and the teacher walking in with her heels clicking against the floorboards. 

'I hope you all discussed about your biology essays' the teacher said. She placed a stack of freshly printed worksheets in her hand as she walked around the tables and handed each student one. 'And as for your biology project for science month. That's due in for next week'.

'Next week?!' A boy gasped, before piping down when the teacher glared at him.  

'Well, if you kids have been working hard on this, then this deadline shouldn't be a bother to you' the teacher spoke, passing the last of the worksheets before retreating back to her seat and sitting up straight. 'Now, if any of you decide not be present in class next week because of this due project, just know that it will be recorded on your reports for this term and if you are hoping to pass my class, then I'd complete it'.

Everyone nodded their heads, suddenly sitting up straight, arms crossed on the desks and if they were in kindergarten they'd probably have their fingers to their lips.

'I'll give you a couple minutes-maybe ten-to organise your project a little before I officially start this class'.

Sean snapped his head to meet Kaycee's gaze. 'Shit, I forgot about that'.

'So did I. But I think we're nearly done, right? Just a little bit of reflection and stuff like that left' 

'Still. We need to get it done before Monday. We've got seven days left...and it's definitely not at my dorm'.

'Not at mine either...and as much as I love food. I don't think I can concentrate with it around me'.

Sean chuckled in agreement. There was a pause between them with Sean thinking of a place to go study while Kaycee's stomach rumbled as her mind traveled back to all the delicacies she had at the pastry store.

'You know what, I'll organised something' Sean hummed, an imaginary light bulb flickering over his head.

'It's just me and you, Lew. There's not all that much to organize'.

The black haired boy rolled his eyes at her. 'Just let me. I'll text you later about it'.

Sean's soft lips lifted upwards in a smile. A dimple on both sides of his cheeks popped out and was immediately met by the brunettes softening eyes. His teeth were perfectly aligned and his eyes squinted with unknown joy. 

Kaycee had seen that smile so often when the two were younger, practically every second. And now as she stared at his contented face, she turned her head to the side, fighting her very own smile.

A smile that brought memories back was the hardest smile on earth.

'So...I'll text you later?' He asked, nudging her elbow off the table. She nodded her head but chose not speak knowing how high pitched and croaky her voice would come out. 'Cool' he smiled.

The petite brunette moved her chair-ever so carefully-about an inch away from his, cursing profanities quietly under her breath.

 'Those fucking dimples will end me'


Hey guys! How are y'all?

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

I'm sorry for being so bad at uploading recently, but the Christmas break is coming up which means exams and extra homework. So, unfortunately I do have a lot to do in my free time apart from updating on here. 

And even worse, I won't be able to upload until Friday of this week. I'm super sorry and I promise I'll try to make it up to you guys over my holiday break.

On another note: thank you guys so much for nearly 8k reads and #1 in Weirdo. Gratitude seems so small when it's written down but I'm so so grateful for each and everyone of you who vote, read and share my story. I couldn't have asked for a better group of readers who enjoy and spread positivity on my pages. I love you all so much.

Ps. I'm so excited for the Jordan Matter photo shoot with S&K. The content is gonna be amazing.

QOTD: I'm not sure if I've done this before-oops- but write down your favourite quote. 'Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear'- Ambrose Redmoon.


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Love you guys,


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