Thirty three

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AN| Hey guys! 

 You may want to read the previous chapter 'cause its been awhile. 


'What in the world happened in here?' Noel marched in, mouth hanging open as he stared widely at the two teens drenched in a few layer of a paint. The two immediately detached themselves from the latter, face tinted a dark shade of red as they stared down at their toes. 

'We were just trying to close the lid on the paint buckets and it accidentally exploded?' The black haired boy lied, a nervous smile tugging at his lips.

Kaycee dragged a hand down her paint covered face, shaking her head as she apologized to the older man. 'I'm so sorry, things got a little carried away'.

Noel observed the two with the gaze of a stranger, that aloof judgement with no strings. From his spot, he had made some opinion of them. Sean didn't mean to speak poorly of the man, but with the way one hand was positioned on his hip, the other stroking his beard with a face of disgust--Sean was fairly certain Noel was creating assumptions about them in his mind. Or maybe he was mulling over dinner options and his next coffee.

A groan fell from the painters lips. 'A little? You got a little carried away? This is—you've just gave me a whole extra list of work'.

Kaycee stuffed her hands into her jean pockets before taking them out when she felt them dip into the wet paint that had collected itself inside of them. 'Sorry again... We'll help, though. We're top notch cleaners, I think'.

Sean sent Noel a goofy thumbs up, which was only responded with a huff. 'I don't need you two to create more mess than you already have...There's a pair of raincoats in the closest washroom. Get those, wash your faces, and then you go home. I can't have you leaving a trail of paint if you were to help clean up'.

'Thank you, sir...And sorry, again' the brunette nodded, an embarrassed smile plastered on her lips as she dragged Sean out of the room and into the nearest washroom.

'I'm guessing he wont ever want our help again' Sean chortled, splashing his face with water. He thoroughly washed his face, removing as much paint as he could before pulling on the raincoat that hung beside the sink.

'I'm guessing he wont want to even see our faces again'.

The boy nodded, his laugh bouncing off the walls as he handed Kaycee a raincoat. 'Let's just go home before we make things worse'.


'Damn, he's a grumpy one for sure' Sean chuckled, walking stiffly as the pair went on their way home. His paint drenched clothes stuck to his body like a corset.

Kaycee giggled softly. 'I would be too if I found out the paint that was supposed to be for the walls ended up on two students'. Her school bag was being dragged by her hand, probably giving it a few scratch marks as it rubbed against the gravel on the pathway.

Sean rolled his eyes playfully. 'You're giving him too much credit' he chuckled. 'Remember, we made a damn big water mess during our first cleaning days, but the janitor never said anything to us'.

The brunette nodded in agreement as a soft smile made its way onto her lips. Sean secretly glanced over at the girl beside him, a smile stretching onto his lips at the sight of her shy smile. 

'You look cute when you smile' Sean admitted bashfully, eyes focused on the road ahead rather than the girl who was burning red by his bold statement.

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