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'Do we just do the same as yesterday?' Kaycee asked politely, as the janitor entered the cleaning closet with a towel draped over his shoulder. 

'Yes please, pet. Unless it was too much. Wouldn't want you poor kids to get a sore back tomorrow morning' he chuckled softly, picking up a bucket-filled with cleaning supplies-up with ease.

'No, no. It was fine. It was easy, don't worry' Kaycee reassured him, discreetly looking over at Sean, who was pulling on blue rubber gloves.

'Thank you, kids. It really does mean a lot to me to see you two amazing friends helping out here' he smiled before turning his heels, and trudging up the stairs.

'Friends? Yeah, right' Kaycee shook her head, rolling her eyes as she threw Sean a neon pink towel and a bottle of cleaning detergent. He gave her a side eye but continued to fit his hands in the tight material of his gloves. 'Let's start by wiping the tables first' she muttered.

'Nah-uh. You got to boss me around yesterday. So, it's my turn' 

'Leaders don't take turns' she remarked, batting her lashes profusely before walking out. She had orange gloves on her hand-two sizes too big for her, but she made it work- and a cleaning spray in the other. She felt like one of those pest control employess as her arms swung by her side and her feet dragged against the floor.

'Yikes, it's dusty in here' Kaycee t'sked, as she slid her finger on the wooden shelf only for it to be covered in powdery mud.  Dusty boards, dusty walls, dusty drapes and windows - in the winter-y, cold Uni there was no escape from the near to invisible dust that lined practically everything. 

 'You wouldn't even think we cleaned here yesterday' Sean mumbled, pushing a few sprays of the cleaning detergent before wiping the table down. Kaycee nodded her head in a silent agreement, her nose scrunching up as dust made its way inside.

There was a long pause as silence pressed in one the two teens who were cleaning down every table, chair, shelf, and window sill. 

The storm had ebbed to nothingness and now the silence was as pure as the wintry blanket outside. Every creature was sheltering, the birds had either flown south or had better things to do than sing, and there wasn't anyone else in the uni bar Sean, the janitor and Kaycee. When Sean's ears became more accustomed to the lack of sound he thought he could hear the tinkle of the occasional sneezes the brunette would let out, but other than that only his rhythmic breathing brokered the air.

'We still don't have anything done for the science project' Sean was the first to break the silence, pausing his movements to look at the girl.

'I know...' she trailed off, as if she wanted to say more but she thought against it. 

'I mean, we could start off by actually brainstorming ideas for the topic, but every time I talk you just retort' he hummed quietly.

'Look who's blaming me, again' the brunette huffed, clenching her jaws.

'What? I'm just saying. I know we argue and all, but you could quit it just for one class' Sean said.  He really was trying to act and sound calm but it probably came out more arguable and frustrating to the petite girl. 

'Go to hell, Lew!' 

Sean shook his head with a sigh. 'I guess, I'll meet you there'

'You're lucky that I have the patience not to kill you, Lew' she grumbled. 

A frustrated breath fell from Sean's lips, his finger brushing through his hair.  'I just wanted to talk about the fucking project! Could you just chill out for a minute?' He snapped, earning him an evil glare.

'And I just want to clean and get back to my dorm. Could you just do your job and shut up?' She spat, raising her voice to match his level.

Sean scowled at the petite girl, squeezing the spray bottle in his hands. If it were a plastic cup then it for sure would have been torn apart by his grip. As for Kaycee, her lips had unconsciously dipped in a frown, her movements slowing down as she finished wiping everything.

'Kids? Ah, there you are. I was just looking for you' the janitor entered the classroom, one side of his overalls unpinned. 'I just got a message from the lead professor here. She's said that I can go home early, and that means the same for you' he smiled, his eyes gleaming brightly.

Although, Kaycee had felt quite emotionless after her short interaction with Sean, her lips couldn't help but flip upwards after witnessing the janitors pure and genuine smile.

'That's great!' She exclaimed, approaching the older man. Sean copied her actions, walking past her and following the janitor back to the closet. 

'Isn't it a lovely surprise to get the day off work early?' The old man sighed, putting all the cleaning equipment back into its place. Kaycee giggled, nodding her head. 'Well, then. If it's fine by you, kids, could we get going? I need to lock the school' 

'Of course' Sean pulled a jacket over his body, zipping it up at the front before slinging his bag over his back. 'Thank you'

'Thank you' Kaycee smiled, giving him a toothy grin. The janitor brushed off their gratitudes, giving birth teens shoulder a squeeze.

'I have a daughter around your age, too. Maybe a little older...' he started, talking about Kaycee. 'And she's found a lovely man. The way the two of them bicker reminds me of you guys'.

'I hate him' Kaycee muttered under her breath, directing her gaze to the wooden floor.

'You can hate someone and love someone. Push the, off a tree and then rush to the bottom to catch them' he winked, pulling on a  wooly sweater and a jacket on top of it.

Sean bit the inside of his lips in a mixture of shyness and blush. 'We'll get going so that you can lock this place up' Sean spoke, changing the subject. 

'Yeah-yeah. We'll do that. Let's go!' Kaycee laid her hand on the boys school bag, pulling on it and dragging him as she walked out of the building. 

'Wanted to spend some private time with me, i see' Sean joked, winking at the girl. 

'Fuck you, asshole!'


Hey guys! How are y'all?

I hope you enjoyed reading this! It's kinda short, sorry. 

I originally wrote this cheater as something completely different but it seemed too sudden and all so I had to scrap that I re-write a completely new chapter which wasn't that fun. But hey, I made it, lol.

QOTD: Describe Kaycee in one word. I'm gonna go for 'angel', because she literally is. 


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