[39] Test

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There you were, lying on your back with your arms spread wide, drenched in your own sweat. Quick and heavy pants were all that can be heard from you as you laid in the grass, staring at the orange-red sky. 

'Wait... didn't this kind of situation happen already??' You frowned, wiping your sweat with the back of your hand as you struggled to get up. 'But nevermind that! Ryu and Senka weren't kidding! They're–'

"(Y/N)! We've been waiting!" Senka seemingly popped out of nowhere, looming over your tired form with that same cheery grin. 

Was it just you, or does she seem way too happy considering you're about to pass out from exhaustion? 


Taking in deep breaths to steady your heartbeat, you sat up. "I've... reached my limit," you breathe out. 

"Huh? Already?? So was Killua the only one able to catch up with us then?" Senka put a finger to her chin. 

As she said that, you see Killua appear from behind some trees, carrying an unconscious Alluka on his back. 

"Oh, Killua! You found her!" Senka grinned once more, putting her hands by her hips. "You still have that much strength? As expected of a Zoldyck," she says, laughing to herself. 

You sigh. 'Of course, he'd be the only one able to survive that...'

"But I don't get it, though..." Senka furrowed her brows. "Alluka's a Zoldyck as well, so why is her overall strength way lower than yours?" She asked, gazing at the sleeping Alluka on Killua's back.

He merely sighs. "It's a long story. You'll get bored." He looks away from her, turning to you. "Oh (Y/N), you seem pretty beat up, too. Don't tell me you gave up," he says, approaching you with a smirk.

 You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms to your chest. "I almost got through it!"

"No, you didn't."

"Well!" You quickly stood up despite the exhaustion you were feeling. "Just you wait, Killua! I'll catch up to you someday!" You point at him with a fierce determination in your eyes, before you stomped off into the thick forest with a visible irk mark on your head.

Killua broke into a crooked grin. "Ha! Like you ever will!" He exclaimed in a confident tone. There was no mistaking the warmth in his eyes as he watched you walk farther, though. 

Senka laughed at yours and Killua's banter. "Despite the crazy stuff you're planning to do, you guys really are just kids, huh?" She looked at Killua and the sleeping Alluka with a grin, then at the patch of trees you disappeared to. "Where's (Y/N) going, though? That's the wrong way..."

Just as she said that, you came stomping back in a rush, looking down at your feet to hide the flustered look on your face. "That was a dead end..."

At that, Killua burst out laughing. If only he wasn't carrying Alluka, he would be clutching his stomach and pointing at you, probably. 

"Hey! Stop that!" You exclaimed, your annoyance giving you the energy to argue back somehow. 

"(Y/N), you weirdo," he says in between laughs. "You're so idiotic it's actually adorable, geez." 

"Killua!" You were about to clap back when you suddenly paused, processing what he said. "Wait, Killua. What did you just say?!" You exclaimed, feeling intense heat rush to your cheeks as your eyes widened.

"Oh! That was pretty straightforward of you, Killua!" Senka teased, as she began to laugh incessantly. 

Realizing what he just said, Killua's cheeks began to turn into a deep red as his eyes significantly widened. He looked down on the grass, avoiding eye contact with anyone. "W-What?! I never said a-anything, you idiots!" He exclaimed, turning his back on both you and Senka. "And tone it down, would you?! What are you guys gonna do if Alluka wakes up from all the noise?!" He added, gazing at Alluka's exhausted, but peaceful sleeping face. 

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