[20] Resolve

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'That voice!'

"K-Killua?" You gulped, watching him silently emerge from the corner of the hallway. Suddenly, you could sense his presence as he walked towards you. 

'Was he using Zetsu this entire time?!'

"How long were you–"

"What were you thinking?! You know exactly what kind of guy he is!!" Killua yells, breathing out a long, exasperated sigh as he rakes a hand through his hair.

"Look, I'll be fine! I can handle this!" You try reassuring him.

"Huhh?!! What are you talking about?!" He leans closer, grabbing your shoulders firmly. "You saw how he fought, and what happened to Zushi as a result!"

"I know!" You sigh, looking down. "I know exactly what I'm getting into... Killua." 

Noticing your troubled state, he paused, calming himself down a little. "Then why, (Y/N)? You could get hurt..." he spoke, his voice ever-so-slightly laced with worry.

"I know, but... I feel like I should fight him. There's something about him that I can't put my head around."

He frowns. "What do you mean?"

"I don't know exactly," you let out another shaky sigh. "Just... just trust me, okay?" You pleaded, keeping your head down and unknowingly tensing up at the shoulders where Killua still held you.

Another sigh left his lips, though it was much softer. "You didn't even tell me you were being watched. You don't have to deal with this by yourself, you know?"

'Let me help you!'

Taken aback, your breath hitched, eyes widening at his gentle tone. Hesitantly, you look up to meet his gaze. In those deep blue eyes held the most worry you've seen in a long time. 

'W-What? He's not mad?'

Killua, noticing your bewildered stare, suddenly broke eye contact with you. "What's with that look? I'm serious here, you know?" 

He loosened his grip on your shoulder, ready to let go. However, you grabbed his hands to make sure they never left.


"I know I should have said something was fishy as soon as I noticed. I'm sorry," you spoke softly, squeezing his warm hands. Gently, you remove them from your shoulders, yet you never let go, letting your intertwined hands dangle in front of you.

Killua took a sharp inhale as he looked back at you, only to find you looking down again. He remains silent, letting you continue.

"Just please, let me handle this. Let me fight him!" You pleaded once more, gazing intently at your and Killua's interlaced hands.

He only stared at you, a clear-cut frown forming in his face, before letting out another deep sigh. "Fine... But don't you dare come crying to me when you lose!" He spoke, letting go of your hands to ruffle your hair.

"Hey!" You hastily smoothed your locks back down.

"Listen, we have one month until your match with that snake, so you better be prepared for the training I'm about to give you!" He huffed, crossing his arms over his shoulders with narrowed eyes.

'Huh? But you've already done so much for me!' You thought, letting certain memories resurface as your brows furrowed at him.

"Don't frown at me like that. It was you who accepted his challenge in the first place, so–"

"Actually, Killua, you don't have to train me. I can do this on my own," you spoke up, cutting him off.

His eyes widened as he glared at you. "WHAT?! Do you have any idea who you're up against?! Geez, can you even tell how many red flags that guy raises?" He exclaims, looking extremely flustered.

You couldn't help but chuckle. "Don't worry, you've taught me a lot, I can handle this," you smile brightly at him, a determined look in your face. "Just focus on Alluka, she needs more training than I do."

"Oi, are you sure about this?"

"Yup, don't worry." 

An uneasy feeling slowly settled into the pit of his stomach as he looked away thoughtfully. Eventually, he relented. "Fine, you better know what you're doing," he spoke, hiding his solemn expression.  


It was dark out. The sun had already set moments ago.

To make matters worse, you were on your own, and you had no idea where you were. All you could see were trees as far as the eye could see. 

With only the moonlight as your guide, you tried treading all the way back home, yet it was no use.

"Huh? I've already been here..." You mumbled to yourself, noticing that same rock you've passed by once before. 

Shaking your head, you dragged your tired legs forward, ignoring the sinking feeling in your stomach. However, you never saw any signs of your home, no matter how far you've walked.

Your legs were trembling as cold sweat rolled down your forehead. Feeling your heartbeat thumping loudly in fear, you shakily looked around for any sign of home.

Eventually, you fell to your knees, slowly feeling your eyes warm up as your vision became hazy. Before you knew it, fresh tears spilled from your eyes as you sobbed uncontrollably in the darkness of the night.

"(Y/N)?!" A young voice echoed in the distance.

You perked up, choking in between sobs as you hastily wiped away your tears.

"N-Nii-chan?" Your small voice stammered as you pushed your tiny figure back up.

Amidst the endless rows of trees, you saw a small light going towards you. Without thinking, you ran, with all your might, towards it. Eventually, you make out a human figure holding that light.

"Nii-chan!!" You exclaimed in a high-pitched squeal, throwing yourself onto the older boy. 

"Woah! (Y/N)?!" He leaned back at the sudden contact, before looking down to find you sobbing and clutching his shirt tightly.

"I-I thought... I couldn't g-get home," you choked out in between sobs. "I-I thought I'd n-never see you again!!" You cried loudly onto him.

He only sighed in relief, crouching down a little to your eye-level. "I was worried sick for you! Why did you go out so late?"

You calmed down a little, holding back a sniffle. "I was looking for Mom and Dad..."

He frowned. "They aren't here right now. You know how it is," he says, quickly changing his expression into a reassuring smile. "Thank god you're safe. Let's go home," he gently spoke, giving you a generous pat in the head.

"M'kay!" You smiled back, holding his hand as he guided you back home.


You snapped out of your daze, quickly shaking your head.

"Who am I kidding? He's dead," you mumble to yourself, a dark, monotone expression clouding your features.

Looking around, you saw Killua training Alluka in the nearby room. She was visibly getting tired from all the exercises, as she shakily took a step forward, only to end up slumping to the ground.

You were about to jump in to help Alluka, yet Killua already rushed to her side. He wore that same concerned look when he found out about your match with Sanguis, as he gently helped Alluka to her feet.

You smiled softly at them, visibly relaxing. "You take care of your sister, Killua. I'll bring home a victory before you even know it, just like always," you spoke to yourself with a clear, determined look, before stepping out to start your training.

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