[60] Decision

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Two days have passed since you had that conversation with Killua. But despite what you said, you never spoke about it again. 

"How's Senka doing?" you eagerly asked, watching Ryu exit the room she was resting in. Was it just you, or were those dark circles around his eyes?

Ryu looked down, covering his face with his hair. "She's stable... but still unconscious."

"Oh, okay...."

Ryu gave you a small nod before turning to leave. However, you grabbed the sleeve of his hoodie, looking up at him with an oddly serious gaze. 

He widened his eyes as he whirled around to look back at you. "What's up?" he asks, mentally taking note of your unusual behavior. 

"Well..." you averted your gaze. "I just wanted to know... why did you spend so much time chasing after S...Sanguis? What did he do?" 

"Oh, that." Ryu sighed, shaking his head slowly. "It's... a pretty long story, and–" He looks back at Senka's room worriedly. 

"That's fine! I can listen for the whole day if I have to!" Your eyes shone with earnestness, but as soon as you met his gaze, you faltered. "Oh but you look like you haven't slept in a while..." you mumbled.

A soft chuckle escapes Ryu's lips. "I look that bad, huh?" he ruffles your hair a little as you let go of his sleeve. "Senka and I couldn't have found Sanguis without you, so I guess you deserve to know this much."

You look back at him, mouth slightly agape in shock. "Really?"

"Yeah, really," he says, giving you the smallest smile. "You know, maybe I should call Killua and Alluka as well."

Your heart stopped for a moment at the sound of Killua's name. "Oh..."

Ryu raised a brow. "What's wrong? You don't want them to know?"

"What? No, no!" You shook your head and waved your hands around in denial. "That sounds good, actually!" You exclaim, smiling at him sheepishly. 

_ _ _

Your mouth was agape in shock by the time Ryu finished his story. 

"Sanguis... he murdered my friend. He... Shiro was the first person to ever approach me when I woke up in that place. He was the one who brought me and Senka together." Ryu says. He rested his chin against his palm, looking out the window and watching the slow sunset. 

You looked down as your brows furrowed. Ryu sounded oddly detached as if he was retelling someone else's story. Or was it his own way of keeping himself from breaking down in front of the three of you?

"Meteor City, huh?" Killua mumbles, putting a hand to his chin. "No wonder I couldn't find any information about you two." 

Ryu seemed taken aback. "...You tried to dig up info on us?" 

Alluka glares at Killua, placing her hands on her hips. "Onii-chan! Don't say that at a time like this!" She exclaims, pouting like a child. 

"It's fine, Alluka. Don't worry about it." Ryu gives her a small smile. It seems that cheered him up a bit. "This is Killua we're talking about here. Of course, he'd do that," he says, patting Killua on the back. 

You were still looking down at the floor with your fists clenched. "So Sanguis... he killed people?" 

Ryu turned to you. "Yeah. Shiro wasn't the only one." 

'That... that's impossible!' You suddenly remember your nightmare from weeks ago. The crimson red leaves, the looming tree with an ashen gray trunk, and your brother... covered in blood. It all came rushing back, just when you thought you'd forgotten. 

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