[26] Worry

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Shortly after arriving at a huge store selling all kinds of phones and other gadgets, Killua immediately approached one of the workers there. You and Alluka followed him, watching him take out his own phone.

'Huh, it's the phone that looks like a beetle,' you thought, gazing at it curiously.

"Is this kind of phone available here?" Killua asked the worker, showing him the beetle-like phone.

The worker immediately smiled. "Yes, sir! Let me show you where they are," he beamed enthusiastically, leading all of you into a specific area of the shop.

Alluka immediately gazed at the phones in wonder. "Woah! They're all beetles!" she said in awe.

"That's right, our entire Beatle Series is here!" the worker said enthusiastically. "Not only that, our latest Beatle phone, the Beatle-08, has just arrived!"

Killua raised his eyebrows in interest. "Really? How is different from the seventh?" he asked, glancing at his phone briefly, before pocketing it.

"The most notable new feature the 08 has is its new and improved camera!! With it, the pictures you take will be so much clearer and sharper!" he smiled once more, taking out the new Beatle-08 and presenting it.

"Is... that it?" Killua asked somewhat reluctantly, a tiny sweatdrop appearing on the side of his head.

The worker seemed taken aback as he struggled to form some words for a few seconds. "O-Of course not! The Beatle-08 comes in 3 new colors as well!" he managed to spit out.

An even bigger sweatdrop formed on the side of Killua's head as he slumped his shoulders and dropped his head, letting out a deep sigh.

Seeing his awkward expression, you decided to take a look at the phone. 'If I remember how this works, it should look like an upgrade to the last one,' you thought to yourself.

However, as you gazed at it, a confused expression made its way to your face. 'Wait... why does it look exactly the same??'

Looking to Killua for answers didn't help either, since it seemed like he didn't know what to do. Eventually, he turned to the worker again, who now looked very nervous.

"How much is it?"

With a small sigh of relief, the worker put on a smile. "250,000 Jenny, sir!"

You blinked a few times. "Wait... what?!" you exclaimed out loud as your jaw dropped at what you heard. Alluka seemed surprised as well, as a drawn-out "Ehhhh?!" was heard from her.

Beside you, Killua facepalmed, as if he were already expecting this. "We'll be taking the Beatle-07. Two of them. It only costs 200,000 Jenny for one, right?"

The worker's face fell, though he still maintained a positive expression. "Yes, sir... but you'll be missing out on a lot of the new features!"

Killua shook his head. "It's fine. 250,000 is too much for us anyways."

"I see... Okay, then! This way, sir!" The worker smiled, taking out 2 Beatle-07s.

_ _ _

"Killua, isn't 200,000 still too overpriced for a phone? We could have gotten another kind..." you sigh deeply, as you left the store. 'And to think the worker tried to sell us one worth 250,000... geez.'

Killua gazed at you through the corner of his eye, adjusting his grip on the bag containing the new phones. "You're right, (Y/N), but this kind of phone has a lot of useful features other phones don't. It's not only the perfect phone for a Hunter. It's also perfect for our situation right now," he states, as his expression darkened slightly, reminding you about what he said yesterday.

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