[21] Prelude

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A month had passed.

"Well then, I better go get ready for my match today," you get up, waving to Killua and Alluka, who were hanging around in your room.

"Good luck Onee-chan!" Alluka waves back, a big, encouraging smile plastered on her face.

"Thanks!" you say, giving her a wide grin along with a thumbs up.

Killua glances over at you. "What's your plan? Please tell me you at least developed a Hatsu technique or something," he asks.

You sweatdropped, scratching the back of your head sheepishly. "Well... I just trained for the advanced Nen techniques..."

"HUH?! Are you serious?!" Killua exclaimed, wearing an exasperated look on his face, before sighing deeply. "I thought you were smarter than this..." 

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" You narrowed your eyes at him, placing your hands on your hips.

Killua sighed once more. "Nothing, nothing. At least remember what I told you about him," he said, waving a hand dismissively at you as he stood up. "We'll be watching your match with Wing and Zushi. See you at the arena," he cracks a small smile, before turning to his sister. "Let's get going, Alluka," he says, leading her to the door.

"Okay! We'll be rooting for you, Onee-chan!" She smiles, before disappearing behind the door as it gently closed shut.

You sighed, staring at the closed door where Killua just left. "Even if I told you to let me handle it, you still had to find a way to help, didn't you?" You mumbled to yourself, a fond smile tugging at your lips.

--A few weeks ago--

"Oi, (Y/N)?" Killua called, poking his head out from the doorway and peering inside while you trained your Ren. 

"Yeah?" You replied, momentarily deactivating your Nen.

Killua approached you, hands resting behind his head in a relaxed manner. "I was able to dig up some info on Sanguis, so listen up."

Your eyes widened momentarily. "You did?"

"Yeah, and this isn't good news either," he pauses, giving you a serious look. "Despite having a record of 9-2, he's never really lost a match."

You felt your eyebrows jerk upward. "What?! Then where did his 2 losses come from?!" You exclaim, a bead of nervous sweat rolling down your forehead.

"He simply didn't show up, so he lost by default," he states. "Not only that, but he always approaches his opponent first at the start of every match," he sighs. "Talk about confidence..."   

"No way... do I even have a chance of winning?" You mumbled as you bit your lip nervously.

"Huh?! So now you're starting to doubt all this?" Killua narrows his eyes at you, leaning closer until his face was mere inches from yours.

"W-What? No! Of course not," you reply, suddenly aware of how close he was. However, you made no move to step back.

He places his hands on his hips before leaning back once more. "Good. Don't you dare back down now, especially since you went through the all trouble of ignoring my warnings," he says, irritation clearly laced in his tone.

You smiled anxiously at him. "Seems like I made you really mad, huh?" you mumbled, quiet enough so he didn't hear. 'But thanks, Killua.'

Taking a deep breath, you looked at him directly, fierce determination evident in your eyes. "Don't worry Killua, I'm never gonna back down. I can do this!"

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