[5] Talent

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Before you and Killua set off for hunting, you first had to find a secure area for camping and for Alluka to wait for your return. The three of you settled in a small clearing between the trees, near a path going up the mountains.

After that, you and Killua set off deeper into the forest to hunt. It took you a while before you find the perfect spot for animals to thrive.

When you reached a good spot, both of you hid in the bushes to wait, concealing both of your presences. When you did this, Killua looked at you in the corner of his eye.

'She can use Zetsu too, huh? As expected of someone who lives off of the forest.'

"I'll let you go first," you whisper to him. Killua nods in acknowledgment. 

Soon enough, Killua senses something nearby, he stills his breathing, as his eyes briefly scanned the area. Eventually, a rustling sound can be heard. You look at him hesitantly, sensing a change in atmosphere due to him, making the hairs in the back of your neck stand on end. He briefly looks at you, a sharp and predatory glint in his eyes, before disappearing from your sight completely.


The next thing you felt was a gust of wind from where Killua was. You follow its direction and see Killua out of hiding, lazily holding a forest rabbit with one hand, while the other was resting inside the pocket of his shorts.

"Done, see?" He said, showing you the rabbit in his hand, before setting it down and letting it skitter off into the bushes once more

You jump out from where you were, "Wait, why'd you let it go?! We could have eaten that for dinner!" You say, huffing and pointing an accusatory finger at him. 

He stared at you blankly for a moment. "Oh, right. Sorry, I'll leave you to that," he said simply, waving his hand dismissively.

"Ugh, fine," you say, frustration etched in your tone. "You did a good job though, I didn't see you at all," you say.

He simply smirked. "Told you."

You playfully rolled your eyes at him, a smile tugging at your lips. "Ok, it's my turn now."

"We probably need to move, the animals in this area already know we're here," he suggested.

"Yeah, leave it to me, I have a way of knowing where the best ones are," you say. 

"Oh yeah, how?"

"Just watch," you smirked, before closing your eyes. Both of you stood there for a moment. Slowly, your hair began floating as you faced both your palms upwards.

Killua's eyes widened in pure shock. 'Is this... aura? (Y/N) can use Nen?!' 

He sees your aura shrouding you, almost like Ten. Yet it was so thin, it gave you a very faint presence, even if you were standing right in front of him. 'She's suppressing her aura just before it's completely gone, it almost seems like she has no presence at all, almost like Zetsu...how is this possible?' 

 "There's a herd of 12 deer around 200 meters away..." you mumble, yet it was loud enough for him to hear. "1.5 kilometers away...oh, it's just Alluka..." 

Killua put a hand to his chin, carefully analyzing your actions. 'She's not even using En, how could she sense the presence of other animals, even Alluka? Wait.. even if she could use En, she would  have needed a tremendous amount of aura to sense Alluka, maybe even rivaling Pitou's, yet there's nothing...only this Ten-Zetsu state she's in.' 

"3 Rabbits... 4 kilometers away... no, no, too far," you continue, your eyes remaining closed.

'Just how far is her range?! Even if Zetsu leaves you more perceptive to the auras of others, there's no way it could extend this far! What the hell is happening?'

"Ah found the perfect one! It's just around 500 meters away!" You say, deactivating whatever ability you just used. "Let's go, Killua," you beckon over to him.

He snaps out of his daze, releasing his hand from his chin and resting them in his pockets. "Right, lead the way."

You were able to catch your prey pretty quickly, though your speed was no match for Killua's. It was a weird species of rabbit. It had a squirrel's tail, and 3 of them at that, and it had very distinctive dark stripes. You take out your dagger which you keep with you at all times, "Sorry little buddy, but we'll starve for the night if I don't do this," you say, before slitting its throat.

You stand there for a while, staring intently at the blood dripping from the lifeless prey, you had a dark, yet incomprehensible look in your eyes. Killua senses faint bloodlust oozing from you. "(Y/N)?" He calls out warily. You seem to snap out of it, as the bloodlust from earlier disappeared completely. "Ah, sorry about that, it happens sometimes! Let's get back to Alluka," you say, scratching the back of your head sheepishly. 

Killua shrugs, "Alright," he says nonchalantly, putting on a facade of indifference. As you two walked back, Killua slightly narrowed his eyes. '(Y/N)... who are you?' He thought.

"Hey, I didn't know you could use Nen," he says, in an attempt to entertain his curiosities. 


"I've never seen an ability like that before. Are you a Specialist?"  

"Nen...? Specialist? What's that?" You tilt your head in confusion

Killua stopped in his tracks, staring wide-eyed at you. "That ability you used earlier to look for prey. Didn't you see the white smoke-like thing surrounding your body?"

"That? Yeah... is that what you call 'Nen'?"

'She seriously doesn't know about it. She has to be a Nen genius.' 

"Yeah. It's your aura. Normally you shouldn't be able to use it freely like that. You must have opened it on your own so you can hunt better." Killua hypothesizes.

"Yeah, probably." You shrug.

_ _ _

Later that night, the three of you were sharing the rabbit you caught earlier. Killua decided to teach Alluka how to start a campfire, as per her request. It worked out nicely, as the three of you now surrounded it.

"Killua, we should teach Alluka more things, so eventually you won't have to watch her like a hawk anymore," you tease.

He only rolls his eyes at you. "Oh, shut up. I'm just making sure she doesn't do anything reckless," he says as Alluka laughs mirthfully.

The next morning, the three of you made your way back to the hotel. As you were making your way through the forest, Killua abruptly stopped and put his arm right in front of you and Alluka, stopping both of you from going any further.

"Killua? What's wrong?" You ask, an uneasy feeling settling in the pit of your stomach. Killua's eyes held a deadly glint to them, as the blue color in his eyes only served to make his gaze as piercing as icicles.

His eyes narrowed at the clearing in front of you, making you feel a shiver down your spine as you sense malicious intent coming from him. Alluka hid behind Killua, clutching him for protection.

He looks at you with a deadly glare, his stance was one filled with caution.

"Someone's here."

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