[72] Help

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"Hey... Ryu?"


Senka's head hung low. She was quieter than usual today. Really quiet for someone who just fully recovered from battle.

Ryu raises a brow. "What's up?" 

Senka purses her lips. "Do you think... you'll be okay... without me?" she mumbles, though loud enough for Ryu to hear. 

"Uh, what?"

"Like, if something were to happen to me... would you be fine?" she asks. 

Ryu only raises a brow in confusion. "...Senka, where the hell is this coming from? You literally just said a few days ago that you weren't going anywhere...?" 

Senka sighs. "I know, I know... I even told you that you shouldn't worry."

Ryu nods, keeping a watchful eye on Senka's movements. 

She catches Ryu's stare, before shaking her head and chuckling softly. "You know what? Nevermind..."

Ryu blinks a couple of times. "Are you sure?" he asks worriedly.

Senka faces him and smiles. "Yeah, of course!" She exclaims. It looks like she's back to her loud, high-energy self. 

"Okay then..." 

"Yeah! Let's go check on Killua or something," she says, grabbing Ryu's hand and dragging him along. 


'...Did she know what was going to happen to her?' Ryu wondered, looking down on his feet. 

He was sitting on a bench outside the hospital, drowning in his thoughts while waiting for Killua to get discharged.

'No, it's impossible to predict something like that.' Ryu rests his forehead on his palm. '...right?'

"Sorry to keep you waiting long." Killua finally arrives. 

Ryu looks up and whirls around to face him. "Oh, there you are." 

Killua raises a brow. "Yeah... you seemed deep in thought."

"I was just remembering something." Ryu shook his head and stood up. "You ready to go?"

The corners of Killua's lips tug upwards as he puts his hands in his pockets. "I should be the one asking you that."

The tiniest smile could be seen from Ryu as he scoffs. "Hah, of course, I am."

"...I realized, I never answered your question back then, Senka,' he thought. 'There's no way in hell I'll be okay without you. But I sure will once I kick Sanguis' ass.'  

_ _ _ 


You jumped in your spot, quickly turning around to face your brother. "N-Nii-chan?!"

(B/N) took your hand. "What are you doing so deep in the forest? Do you know how far you've wandered off?" he sighs in disappointment.

"U-Uh..." you gulped. "Sorry! I... I never realized until now..." you reply, smiling sheepishly.

Your brother narrowed his eyes suspiciously for a split second, before shaking his head. "Let's get back, (Y/N)," he says, dragging you back by the hand.

 You nod, letting your brother lead as you hung your head low. 

"Hey... N-Nii-chan?"


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