[74] Reunite

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Your eyes widen as you gasp. 

'T-That voice...!'

Feeling your lips quivering, your fingers slowly touch the door. "I... I'm here!!" you yell out. 

A moment of silence passes before you hear that voice again. "...Stand back. I'll smash the door open!"

You did as you were told. 

With just one kick, the person from the other side forcefully opens the door. A gust of wind blows past your face, carrying small particles of dust with it.

You instinctively shut your eyes, shielding them away from the wind with your arms. 


Upon opening your eyes again, you come face to face with your savior. Fluffy silvery-white hair, slanted cornflower blue eyes, and extremely pale skin. Not to mention the smooth and calming voice you haven't heard in so long. Though he looked tired and frantic, he was finally standing right in front of you.

'Come back to me, please...'  His words from back then flashed through your mind.


Within one second, you were in his arms. You were overwhelmed by his familiar scent as his grip around you got tighter and tighter. He was trembling. 

As you hug him back, your vision starts to blur. 

"You had me worried for so long... you idiot..." Even his voice was quivering.

You nod. "I can't believe... you're here, Killua."

"Of course, I would...! Why would I not?" Killua pulls back, staring straight into your eyes as he holds both of your shoulders.

Your eyes widen as the tiniest smile tugs at your lips. "You're crying."

"Ah– no I'm not! Stupid!" He denies, aggressively wiping his eyes with his sleeve. "You're the one who's crying!"

"Huh?" You put your fingers to your already puffy eyes, only to feel wet tears streaming from them. "You're right."

Killua brushes the hair from your face, before pulling you into another hug. 

"I'm sorry..." you whisper.


"I'm so sorry..." you repeat, your vision blurring even more as tears stream down your face. "For everything I've done. I should have listened to you... I'm sorry..." 

As you apologize countless more times, Killua soothingly rubs your back. "As long as you snapped out of it, that's good enough for me," he says, pulling away and wiping the tears from your eyes. "Let's get out of here." 

You nod, feeling yourself truly smile for the first time in a while. 

Killua surveys the surroundings, taking note of the hole in the wall. "Did you do that?" 

"Oh yeah. I tried to get myself out of these shackles. It almost worked..." you say sheepishly, showing him your wrists and ankles, which were still bound.

His eyes widened. "Since when have you gotten so strong?" He smiles, taking one of your hands in his and examining your chained wrist. "I can pry this open. Wait."


Snap. It was the sound of metal breaking apart. You watch in amazement as they drop to the ground. 

It didn't take long for Killua to effortlessly crack open the rest of your shackles. You feel around your free wrist, which was seriously bruised. 

Killua narrows his eyes at your bruises, before grabbing your hand. "Tell me what happened as we run. Let's go." 

With that, you and Killua rush out of the room in Zetsu state.

"Was it Illumi who chained you up?" Killua asks, keeping his gaze alert.

You avert your eyes. "No... It was Nii-chan..."

"It– huh?!!" 

Before Killua loses it, you desperately shift his attention. "W-Wait! We need to get Alluka first!!"

Killua looks at you through the corner of his eye. "My friend should be with Alluka by now. Don't worry." He smiles, taking you to the back areas of the warehouse. 

You furrow your brows in confusion, wondering who he meant. 

Eventually, you look to the walls to see an open window. 'Is that how Killua got in?' you wonder, tilting your head in curiosity. 

"We gotta jump out through the window. Hurry up!" 

"Okay!" You were just a few meters away from the window.

Suddenly, Killua tenses up. "Wait, (Y/N)!"

Then, you see something blur in front of you. Before you knew it, someone was standing right in front of you and Killua, blocking the window with their body. 

Your eyes widen as you step back. "N-Nii-chan?!" 

In front of you and Killua was Sanguis, giving you both a cold stare as he stands between you and your escape route. 


Then, you notice how he was in the Zetsu state as well. 

You instinctively take a step back. If not for Killua's reassuring hand on your shoulder, you would have been much more terrified. 

Sanguis glances down at your wrists. "How did you get out–"

"You bastard! Why're you here?" Killua immediately cuts him off, stepping right in front of you, allowing you to hide behind his back. "Isn't Ryu supposed to be beating you up?!"

"Oh, him?" Sanguis smirks. "Your big brother should be taking care of him by now." 

You tense up, remembering Sanguis' deal with Illumi to assassinate Ryu and Senka.

"W-Wait, Killua! Illumi plans to–"

"I know, (Y/N). I suspected something like this would happen," Killua replies. His tone was calm as he kept his deathly stare on Sanguis, watching his every movement. 


"Ryu. Expect Illumi to come after you," Killua states with furrowed brows. 

Ryu looks at Killua in confusion. "What? Is it to get in between me and Sanguis' fight?"

Killua shook his head. "No. Illumi isn't like that. I just have a feeling..." he put a hand to his chin. "Illumi might try to assassinate you." 

"Excuse me, what?!"

"The only reason for Sanguis and Illumi to work together is if they got into a deal. I'm guessing that bringing Alluka over to that warehouse is Sanguis' side of the deal. (Y/N) is over there, too," Killua explains.

Ryu's eyes widened in realization. "So, since I've been on Sanguis' tail for years now, it's safe to assume he wants to get rid of me. That means..." 

Killua nods. The serious look never left his face as the situation only grew in severity. 

Ryu tenses up, hands curling into fists. "Noted, Killua. I'll be sure to kick his ass as well." He smirks.   


"(Y/N), stand back." Killua looks at you through the corner of his eye. You see sparks of electricity flash through his body. His hair spikes up even more as his eyes take on a sharper look. 

"Wait... are you gonna fight Nii-chan?" Doubts fill your mind at the thought of fighting against your own brother.

Killua faces forward, taking on an offensive stance. "Of course I am." The corner of his lips tug upwards into a confident smirk. "I'm getting you out of here no matter what."


(A/N) - Merry Christmas guys! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter :DD

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