[30] Defiance

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Feeling your bond with Killua grow even more closer, you left the city together with him and Alluka.

On the way to your next destination, the three of you were walking along a fairly crowded street. Alluka leaned closer to Killua, gripping his hand tighter than usual. "Hey, hey, onii-chan!" she called, her smile beaming a little brighter than usual.

Killua raised a suspicious eyebrow as he placed a hand on her head. "What's up, Alluka?"

She giggled. "Onii-chan, I wanna explore on my own again!" 

Killua blinked as he tried to process what she said, before taking in a sharp inhale. "HUUHHH?! ARE YOU BEING SERIOUS RIGHT NOW?!" he exclaimed, a vein popping from his head as he put both hands to his hips. 

'Oh no, Alluka, don't do it...!' A nervous sweatdrop appeared. 'You wouldn't want to be nagged the way I was,' you thought, remembering how much Killua freaked out over your fight with Sanguis. 

However, as you remembered that, you unknowingly smiled fondly to yourself as a warm feeling spread across your chest. 

Alluka tilted her head. "But I survived on my own yesterday! I can do this, Onii-chan!"

He let out an exasperated huff, placing his arms over his chest in irritation. "Do you think I'll be stupid enough to let you do that again?! I was worried, you know?!"

You widened your eyes. 'Woah, he actually admitted it.'

"Ehhh?! Onii-chan! Come on!" Alluka pulled on his arm to get him to listen. "I can protect myself! You wouldn't need to worry!" She gave him a bright smile, hugging him from the side. 

He let out a deep sigh as if he was just about ready to give up. "Geez, you're so stubborn. You're starting to remind me of a certain idiot I know." He lifted his head to give you a sidelong glance, along with a tiny smirk.

Now it was your turn to blink in disbelief.'Huh...? I'M the idiot?! It was just that ONE time!' You thought, eyes widening as your jaw dropped. 'I thought he was referring to his friend, Gon, or something...!' 

"–Are you saying I'm an idiot, Onii-chan?!" Alluka frowned, giving him a childish pout. 

Killua shrugged. "Dunno, what do you think?" he gave her a mischievous smile, which only served to make Alluka poutier.

"Onii-chan, you're so mean!!"

_ _ _

After the three of you settled into the hotel you'd be staying in, you thought you'd be laying low for the next few days. You didn't have any reason to look around, after all. 

At least, that's what you thought.

"Oi (Y/N), have you seen Alluka?!" You hear Killua call out to you as he stumbles into the room slightly out of breath. A cold sweat ran down his forehead as he quickly looked around searching for her.

Sensing his panic, an uneasy feeling settled in your stomach. "No, I haven't... what's wrong?"

He furrowed his brows tightly. "I can't find her anywhere. She's not even answering my calls," he mumbled, clutching his head in thought. "What is she thinking?!"

'...What?! Alluka's gone?!'  

You try to swallow the forming lump on your throat as you silently processed his words. "Look, I... I can pinpoint her location right now using my Nen," you say after a moment of silence, hoping that nothing serious is going on.

He widened his eyes, turning his head slowly to you. "Oh yeah, your Specialist ability!" he sighs in relief. "That's exactly what we need, and no one else can see you do it, too."

You nod. "I'll find her in no time, don't worry," you try giving him a reassuring smile, before closing your eyes and facing your palms up.

Slowly, your hair started to float as a thin bubble of Ten surrounded you. Once again, Killua felt your presence turn very faint, even though you were standing right in front of him.

'It's been a year since I saw that ability,' he thought, narrowing his eyes solemnly. 'It's still so strange how it feels like she's about to fade away and disappear. She's right in front of me.' 

A deep frown overtook your features. "There are so many people..." you mumble, staying silent for a few more seconds, which only made Killua more agitated. 

You stood unmoving for a while when suddenly, you jerked your eyes open, immediately deactivating your strange Nen ability. "Killua, I found her! Thank god...!" you smiled in relief, taking his hand and dragging him towards the curtain-covered window.

He stared at your bright smile in disbelief. "You found her?! Is she safe?" 

You beamed at him, nodding your head vigorously. "Yeah! It definitely seemed like it when I checked!" you say, pushing the curtains away from the window to reveal the bright and bustling city. "See that area over there?" you pointed to a particularly crowded area just a few blocks away. "That's where I found her."

Killua gazed outside the window. "The shopping district? Are you sure she's there? And are you sure she's safe?" He raised a skeptical eyebrow, though there was no mistaking the sense of relief reflecting off his eyes.

"I made absolutely sure before deactivating my Nen! She even looked like she was holding something and licking it." You put a finger to your chin in thought. "Ice cream, maybe?" 

"HUH?! You could even tell that much?" he exclaimed, moving away from the window. 

"Yeah! I could identify anything as long as its a living being, remember? That includes what they're doing!" You put your hands to your hips.

He let out another deep sigh, placing his palm to his forehead. "This is the second time, Alluka. Geez..." He shook his head. "Well, there's nothing much I can do. I give up," he slumps his shoulders in defeat, before making his way to the room's exit. "Let's go, (Y/N)."

"Let's go? Where? You just said you gave up???"

"You idiot." He narrows his eyes in annoyance. "I won't try to stop her anymore, but I should at least be nearby in case something happens!"

Your face lights up in realization. "Oh, right! Of course!"

"Right?" He rolls his eyes, shoving his hands down his pockets rather aggressively. "Now let's get going before she wanders off to who knows where."  

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