[22] Persistence

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In the blink of an eye, Sanguis disappeared from your line of sight, only to appear once more right in front of you with his blade held high. Your eyes widened, as you instinctively guarded yourself with your arms, focusing most of your aura onto it.

His blade easily overpowered your aura, sending you flying backward. You clenched your teeth, trying to regain some balance in the air. As soon as you had this, you jammed your feet on the ground, forcing you to slow down and stop right by the edge of the ring. 

"Clean hit!"

The audience cheered once more. Slowly, you lowered your arms, noticing a long, yet shallow cut from Sanguis' scimitar. 

You had every reason to be pissed. After all, no one in the 200s was able to deal you this much damage in a single strike. Yet for some reason, a smile made its way to your face instead.

Letting your arms dangle to your sides, you look at him with a slight tilt in your head. "So you're an Enhancer, huh?"

"Hm...?" He looked at you curiously for a second, before bursting into mirthful laughter. "Enhancer? Do you seriously think I'm like those idiots?"

You frowned. "You're not? Then what's with the technique? Only Enhancers can pull off a Hatsu that strong," you replied, pointing at his bloodied blade.

He chuckled, before giving you a broad smile. "You're right, only Enhancers should be able to do this," he states, brandishing his blade. "But if you set certain conditions for the technique, anyone who's not an Enhancer could do it."


"So... when you cut yourself–"

"That's right! I knew you were smart!" He cut you off. "Hurting myself with my very own weapon is the condition I set to make the technique stronger."

You gulped, narrowing your eyes at him in a glare. 'Using a technique that's not even under his Nen type? What's his deal?'  

"Well then, now that we have that settled..." he says, giving you a slow smile. "Can you keep up?"

Despite your uneasiness, you smiled back, taking a step forward. "No, can you keep up?" you state, before lunging straight toward him while discreetly reaching for your dagger.

He only shrugged, casually steadying his scimitar in front of him just in time for your weapons to clash. Sparks flew between the two blades as you clenched your teeth together, focusing as much aura as you can to your dagger.

However, despite all your efforts, you were overpowered. Dust and debris clouded the air as you staggered backward, trying your best to regain footing.

_ _ _

Among the audience, Killua could only watch in horror as you took another blow. He flinched as you clutched your wounded side, stumbling back.

"Clean hit!"

A clear-cut frown formed in his face. "Tch, why is (Y/N) trying to prolong the match?! Is the idiot trying to get herself killed?!" He exclaimed, clenching his fists together as he stood up from his seat.

Wing, however, grabbed his arm before he could do anything rash. Killua whipped his head to look down at the seated man, eyes clouded with murderous wrath. Wing merely shook his head at him, gently pulling him back to his seat. 

Killua complied, albeit reluctantly. He slumped back down, crossing his arms and legs together in irritation. "If that bastard knocks her out, I'm gonna kill him," he states, voice dripping with bloodlust, as sparks of bright blue electricity start to flow from his body.

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